Amongst the ten deadly diseases in the world, STROKE ranks the second largest killer disease following coronary artery disease.
The estimated prevalence rate of stroke in India is 84-262/100,000 in rural areas and 334-424/100,000 in……
Types of stroke:
There are two main types of stroke:
Ischaemic stroke (blood clot) and haemorrhagic stroke (bleed).
Ischaemic stroke is caused by
✤High blood pressure
✤High cholesterol levels
✤Excessive alcohol intake
✤Irregular heart……
Know the Symptoms -BEFAST
Stroke can be easily identified by the symptoms like
✤Facial droop
✤slurred speech
✤ weakness or numbness in limbs/paralysis
✤blurred vision/sudden loss of vision
✤ dizziness
✤ increased confusion
✤difficulty in swallowing and
✤loss of……
The Treatments
The treatment of stroke depends upon the type of stroke.
Ischaemic strokes can be treated by clot – busters that need to be administered within a window period of 0-4.5 hrs , if thrombolysis (clot – buster) is done after 4.5 hrs , its not very effective.
Apart from the above measures, a new neurotechnology that stimulates the spinal cord improves the arm and hand mobility of the moderate to severely affected stroke patents patients to perform their daily activities with ease.
Spinal cord stimulation technologyis a……
DEPRESSION ( Thread Alert)💥
Its normal to feel low once in a while but if you are sad most of the time if it affects your daily life,then you might have clinical depression,a condition you can treat with medicine or talking to a therapist.(1/n) #MentalHealthAwareness#PTSD
Types of Depression
1.Atypical Depression
It is characterised by the heaviness in the limbs ,irritability, relationship issues,oversleeping and over eating.(2/n)
2.Psychotic Depression
This is characterised by episodes with hallucinations,delusions and catatonic stage ( Statue stage) .(3/n)