Help us secure government and nonprofit funding for #AIArtCommunity clinics so we have a place to socialize in the real world as we take important steps toward recovery. #AiArtist#Synthography#AIArt
We can do this together!
Design the clinic environment you'd like to attend.
Is it time to start planning for Prompt Addiction Lifestyle (PAL) Centers that focus on holistic and tranquil prompting environments for use during group therapy? Or would you prefer to receive prompt therapy alone? #AIAddiction#GroupTherapy#ArtTherapy#AIArtCommunity
“Panic sets in as a therapist talks with patients and they learn they will not have computer access at the prompting rehab center”
I for one am not sticking around if we don’t have screen-time. Busting out, are you with me? How do we escape this popsicle stand?…
I spend a lot of time writing and drinking in cafés. Count the café images as you go and let me know your favorite(s). Prompt in ALT on the last image. #midjourney#AiArt#CafeLife