The funniest part? I found out I was locked when I tried to upload an old tweet from 2021 (in which I show Alex I keep getting locked when I reply to him) to reply to this tweet. ahahahaha #IsntItIronic#SameAsTheOldBoss
All your censorship does Twitter is ghettoize this data which could save lives if people knew and could get screened in time. #TwitterCensors#CensorshipKILLS
I'll move myself and my family aside
If we happen to be left half-alive
I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky
For I know that the hypnotized never lie
The CDC states that Aluminum is the main adjuvant, or immune system "stimulator," in many 💉 on their childhood 💉 schedule >…
Aluminum transforms normal proteins into misfolded, messy, junk or Amyloid proteins. >
"The results demonstrated that Al(III) induced the transformation of the initial random coil structure to the β-sheet configuration in the Aβ40 peptides."…
We can only hope #VaxxJunkies continue shooting toxins into themselves and their offspring which will lower IQs and shorten lifespans. #SurvivalOfTheFittest
For everyone else, here's the truth on Aluminum in the brain, amyloidosis and its link to autism and Alzheimer's. 🧵
"Amyloid-β protein precursor (βAPP) and its metabolites, more commonly associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD), are also dysregulated in autism plasma and brain tissue sample."…
Following 2 excellent researchers, @pizzapicklespur and @CharlesRixey, we begin to understand the big picture.
For decades, the DoD + NIH funded bioweapons research on 🐒 viruses and cancer.
which was marketed exclusively to the male homosexual population in urban areas in 1979.
AIDS soon emerged in these areas in the gay community. HIV was a blood borne pathogen which lowered immunity and made people susceptible to opportune infections. >
public health "emergency" and initiated a nationwide 💉 drive, a precursor to Operation Warp Speed.
They created a flu 💉 which they safety tested but never used.
Instead, they gave the public a different large-scale batch, x53A, which was never safety tested. >
Thousands became paralyzed with Guilliane Barre and many 💀.
This bait and switch became the basis for the largest class action lawsuit and medical malpractice settlement in U.S. history.
The government deliberately made it hard for citizens to seek redress and then dragged out >