The Constitution for U.S.A is a specified standard to keep the government from becoming arbitrary.
Constitution was derived f/ 1. 1100 Chart of Liberties 2. 1215 Magna Carta 3. 1628 Petition of Rights 4. 1641 Grand Remonstrance 5. English BoR
Our Constitutions were not inventions, but inheritances, designed to help secure and protect Liberty.
Liberty = Freedom + Morality (Laws of Natures and Natures God)
“Do no harm”
“Love thy neighbor”
“Among these….”
We The People have the solutions.
Most people ignorantly want freedom, and then wonder why and/or complain that we have a society devoid of morality.
What they really want is LIBERTY!
Liberty is the product of freedom AND morality!
Grab a redpill and throw away the black one.
Renewal of mind, body, and spirit.
Read your State Constitutions and understand that the Constitution for the united States contains specific and limited powers where all else is reserved to the States.
…the Supreme Law.
July 2, 1776
Lee Resolution (States Declaration of Independence)
Let’s not forget, the Constitution for the united States of America, was a compact (contract) between the states that authorized a limited central government.
…and remember the Superior Law is the Laws of Nature and natures God.
The constitutions didn’t create rights, rather they are there to help SECURE those unalienable rights that are inherently given to you by God!
A man, created by God, child of God. Genesis 1:26-28
I am not in anyway sponsored or affiliated with this website. The courses within are another excellent resource for those wanting to gain knowledge to apply the solutions that already exist. It starts with you.
As a man, one who was appointed trustee of The Office of FIRST LIEUTENANT MARK C. BASHAW, it would be insane and slavery to assume that I signed away my natural God-given rights, while I swore an oath to defend those rights against enemies foreign & domestic, so help me God.
Our rights are our individual possessions, they ARE NOT ideas.
We each have possession/property to our rights and rights to our property.
Through virtue and knowledge, liberty is secured
Liberty = freedom + morality
We (Service Members) do not have the freedom to disobey without penalty. However, with virtue, knowledge, and through the discernment of morality and freedom, we can help secure liberty.
Emergency Use Authorized means, the individual who participates takes on all the risk with no recourse if injured or killed. “Covered Persons” (Governments, Manufacturers, distributors, medical personnel, et. al.) are protected with liability immunity.
Right now, the DOD has hundreds of thousand of Whistleblowers who submitted Protected Communications to their Chain of Command, only to get destroyed!
Per the U.S.C/Regulations, ANYONE who submitted protected communications to their Chain of Command, whether it was in their Religious Accommodation Requests, Article 138 UCMJs, e-mails, et al, are Whistleblowers.
…and their is an over abundance of retaliation evidence!
“…a substantial and specific danger to public health and safety.”