1. A Speech that should never have been made
ON APRIL 10, 1953, Allen Dulles, The Newly Appointed Director of the CIA, delivered a speech to a gathering of Princeton alumni.
"I wonder, however, whether we clearly perceive the magnitude of the problem, whether we realize how… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
2. In the 1950s in the USA, "Mind Control" was the buzzword
Fear of brainwashing and a new breed of "brain warfare" terrified and fascinated the American public throughout the 1950s, spurred both by the words of the CIA and the stories of "brainwashed" G.I.’s returning from… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
3. Birth of the project "MK Ultra"
Post the Princeton speech of CIA Director Allen Dulles in April 1953, The MK-Ultra program also operated under the cryptonyms MKNAOMI and MKDELTA. The “MK” indicated that the project was sponsored by the Technical Services Staff of the CIA and… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
4. What was Project MK Ultra all about?
On April 13 of 1953, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States took up an experiment named Project MKUltra with the help of 150 civilian Americans. Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs and… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
5. A cold war legacy and typical US insecurity
As the Cold War moved into its peak era in the early 1950s, the American intelligence community grew increasingly obsessed with the growing technological advancements of the Soviet Union.
The U.S. government feared that it was… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
6. The 50s AND 60s craze of ACID (LSD) and CIA
Lysergic acid diethylamide, known as LSD, is a hallucinogenic drug. A Swiss scientist named Albert Hofmann was the first to synthesize the drug in the 1930s.CIA saw the popularity of LSD as Acid in rave circles and got interested in… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
7. Project Never existed officially like so many other CIA crimes
The project had no executive sanction and as such, it was clandestine and hence illegal. In fact, the executive had no knowledge of the project until after 20 years. Experiments under Project MKUltra began in 1953… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
8. CIA and US Army Collusion for Mind Control program
Project MKUltra was designed and executed by the CIA’s Scientific Intelligence Division (SID), the experiments on civilians were to identify and create drugs for use in torture and interrogations. The idea was to weaken an… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
9. Inhuman experiments on Humans
MK Ultra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
10. Arrival of the "Black Sorcerer"
When, on April 13, 1953, the then-director of the nascent CIA Allen Welsh Dulles sanctioned project MK-Ultra, the program was quickly headed by chemist and poison expert Sidney Gottlieb, who was known in covert circles as the “Black Sorcerer.”… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
11. Running in circles and playing with human life
But generating a truth serum proved difficult. Instead, researchers believed that a kind of mind control could be achieved by placing the subject in a heavily altered mental state typically with the help of wildly experimental… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
12. A shady experiment with shady logic
In Sidney Gottlieb the "Black Sorcerer's own words, project MK-Ultra’s mind experiments extensively researched extensively how drugs could “enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion,” as well as… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
13. Who were the subjects of MKULTRA experiments
Due to the classified nature of the program, many of the test subjects were unaware of their involvement and Gottlieb admitted that his team targeted “people who could not fight back.” These included drug-addicted prisoners,… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
14. A web of dark secrecy to hide the crimes
For secrecy’s sake, the program’s 162 experiments were spread out across multiple cities, college campuses, prisons, and hospitals. In total, 185 researchers were involved and many of them didn’t even know that their work was meant for… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
15. A drug-induced euphoria and search for the Eureka Moment
The primary experimental method often involved administering large quantities of various mind-altering substances in hopes of wiping the human mind in the way Gottlieb wanted to. Subjects were dosed with LSD, opioids,… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
16. Till drugs do us apart, we keep injecting you
Aside from drugs, researchers also used hypnosis, often in an effort to create fear in subjects that could then be exploited to gain information. Researchers went on to investigate the effects of hypnosis on the results of… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
17. Who were the butchers of the MKUltra?
Donald E. Cameron, who had been present at the Nuremberg Trials as a psychiatric evaluator for leading Nazi Rudolf Hess, was one of the lead researchers in MK-Ultra’s mind experiments.
18. The Psychology of blind perusal
Experimenter Donald Cameron (the first chairman of the World Psychiatric Association and the president of the American and Canadian psychiatric associations) drugged patients and repeatedly played tapes of noises or suggestions while they were… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
19. Who were the butchers of the MK Ultra?
John C. Lilly, a noted animal behaviorist, was also involved in the experiments. For his research in human communication with dolphins, he created the first sensory deprivation flotation tank. MK Ultra scientists commissioned the tank to… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
20. The web of research labs and glorified institutes to hide the blood stains
IA did not concentrate its Project MKUltra experiments in one place. The experiments were across 80 institutions, including 44 universities and colleges. Some of the other institutions where the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
21. Author Ken Kesey who wrote the famous "One who flew over cuckoo's Nest", Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, Los Angeles serial Killer Charles Manson, and James “Whitey” Bulger, a notorious Boston mob boss were part of the MKUltra experiments.
22. One world-famous personality who slammed the CIA experiments was John Lennon of the Beatles music group. In an interview, John mocked the CIA saying that people forget to thank the agency and the army for introducing LSD to Americans. He further said, to control people the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
23. Operation Midnight Climax
the CIA set up several brothels in San Francisco, California to obtain a selection of men who would be too embarrassed to talk about the events. The men were dosed with LSD, the brothels were equipped with one-way mirrors, and the sessions were… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
24. The sleepy hollows of LSD
In some other experiments where people were given LSD without their knowledge, they were interrogated under bright lights with doctors in the background taking notes. The subjects were told that their "trips" would be extended indefinitely if they… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
25. Death is a toy and life is a ploy
One experimental subject was given LSD nonstop for 174 days. While In one case, seven volunteers in Kentucky were given LSD for 77 consecutive days. LSD was eventually dismissed by MK Ultra's researchers as too unpredictable in its results.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
26. A new death is better than the old death
By 1962 the CIA and the army had developed a series of super hallucinogens such as the highly touted BZ, which was thought to hold greater promise as a mind control weapon. This resulted in the withdrawal of support by many academics… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
27. Book of Death
CIA's KUBARK interrogation manual refers to "studies at McGill University", and that most of the techniques
recommended in KUBARK are exactly those that
researcher Donald Ewen Cameron used on his test
subjects (sensory deprivation, drugs, isolation, etc.).… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
28. There were no records of the casualties of these experiments. For those who survived, the fallout of the experiments included things like depression, anterograde and retrograde amnesia, paralysis, withdrawal, confusion, disorientation, pain, insomnia, and schizophrenic-like… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
29. Every mouse has a cat somewhere
In 1963, a member of the CIA’s Inspector General’s staff, John Vance, chanced upon Project MKUltra. Following this the independent audit board of the agency insisted CIA should follow new research ethics guidelines. #CIA#MKUltratwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
30. Time to clean the trash
In 1973, with the government-wide panic caused by Watergate, CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MK-Ultra files destroyed. Pursuant to this order, most CIA documents regarding the project were destroyed, making a full investigation of MK-Ultra… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
31. The aftermath
These documents were fully investigated during the Senate Hearings of 1977. In December 1974, The New York Times alleged that the CIA had conducted illegal domestic activities, including experiments on U.S. citizens, during the 1960s. That report prompted… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
32. The trail
In December 1974, The New York Times alleged that the CIA had conducted illegal domestic activities, including experiments on U.S. citizens, during the 1960s. That report prompted investigations by the U.S. Congress, in the form of the Church Committee, and by a… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
33. The Agony
When the remaining documents were made available to the public, the Senate launched a collection of hearings on the ethics of the project later that year. Survivors soon filed lawsuits against the CIA and the federal government regarding informed consent laws. In… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
34. The Retributions
In 2018, the families of a group of ex-patients filed a class-action lawsuit against the provincial and federal governments of Canada for the experiments Dr. Cameron ran on their loved ones in the 1960s. #CIA#MKUltratwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
35. The stories
Since the documents were revealed, countless shows and movies have been inspired by project MK-Ultra’s mind-control experiments, most notably The Men Who Stare at Goats, the Jason Bourne series, and Stranger Things. #MKUltra#CIAtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
36. The Half-hearted Denial of the Truth
The government does not deny that the MK-Ultra experiments took place but most of what transpired remains a mystery. The government does not deny that the MK-Ultra experiments took place but most of what transpired remains a mystery.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
39. MKUltra Documents trove obtained under Freedom of Information Act
John Greenewald, the founder of "The Black Vault", a site specializing in declassified government records obtained via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, first uploaded MKUltra documents in 2004 tens… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
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The Hindu is one of the oldest News papers in India and one of the oldest associates of International Press institute, A CIA front for media propaganda.
Lets check it out!!
1. IPI has its media partner/ members in South Asia: The Hindu
Khabar Lahariya - Funded by IPSMF
Dawn - Pakistan (Pro Muslim League)
Daily Star - Bangladesh (Pro BNP and Muhammad Yunus)
Every year IPI partners with International Media Support (IMS) to host "Free Media Pioneer" awards. in 2021 "The Wire" from India was the winner of this award!!
2. The Siblings
N. Ravi served as the Editor of The Hindu from 1991 to 2003, a tenure of 12 years. He later returned as the Editor-in-Chief in October 2013 and held the position until January 2015.
N. Ravi is elder brother of N. Ram served as the Editor-in-Chief of The Hindu from June 27, 2003, to January 18, 2012, a tenure of nearly 9 years.
Their father is Gopalan Narasimhan who is son of
S. Kasturi Ranga Iyengar who bought the Hindu news paper in 1905 from its erstwhile owners.
N Ravi is member of International Press Institute National committee representing India.
IPI has Barkha Dutt as its board member.
International Press Institute is funded by Ford Foundation Open Society foundation of George Soros.
How Ayurveda is repackaged by West in the name of new research🧵
National Institute of Health publishes a research report that chewing wood is good for brain and cardiovascular health.
In the seminal book Ashtang Hriday of Ayurveda there is a concept of Dincharya where concept of Daatun (chewing wood stick of special plants to cleanse rhe teeth) has been mentioned. That predates chewing wood for good health to some 2000 years ago.
1. In Dincharya Adhyay of Ashtang Friday start of rhe day is Prataruthana.
Perfect time to wake up is Brahma Mahurta.
2. Second part of Dincharya is Dantadhavana.
Ashtang hriday mentioned the name of suitable plants whose sticks could be chewed to maintain dental/ oral hygiene.
World Economic Forum and Media Propaganda against India🧵
How India's apposition silently engineers anti India propaganda to defame India and Modi Govt.
1. The Signing Canaries
When Supriya Srinate of Indian National Congress and Advocate Prashant Bhushan cited a World Economic forum report to make noise about India being the top country to create disinformation in media, It was a soft hit job engineered by Congress ecosystem using its proxies.
Let see in the next parts of the thread that how it was done!!
2. The report
World Economic forum publishes GLOBAL RISKS REPORT every year.
If you look at the Global Risks Report Advisory Board, you will find one name that stands out:
Amit Behar
Amit Behar Headed Amnesty International India board.
He served as the CEO, Oxfam India.
Now he is part of Board of Directors, Oxfam.
We all know the involvement of Open Society Foundations and Soros with both the non profits.
Amit Behar is also a part of Samrudhha Bharat Foundation which is a front of Indian National Congress.
Yesterday Priyanka Gandhi cited a report by Blume Ventures to claim that out of the 150 crore Indians 100 crore populace are living hand to mouth claiming that middle class of India is reeling under the economic apathy of Modi Govt.
Lets check the actors behind this report to unmask the real face of Congress.
1. The Family venture
Blume venture has been founded by Karthik Reddy and Sanjay Nath.
Among many VCs and Institutional investors its funded by Three family offices:
Hero Family office of Munjal Family
DSP Family office of Hemendra Kothari
Prathiksha Trust of Infosys Co-founder Kris Goapalkrishnan.
2. The Connection
Pavan Munjal heads Hero family office and his cousin Pankaj Munjal (MD of Hero Cycles) who is part of Hero family office is connected to Indian National Congress.
Pankaj Munjal has been a regular panelist of Indian National Congress's flagship conference INDIAS FOR INDIA hosted in UK through BRIDGE INDIA which is another Congress front.
"Ideas for India" conference has been attended by Whos and Whos of INDI Alliance and Rahul Gandhi including Mahua Moitra, Sam Pitroda, Late Sitaram Yechuri and Tejasvi Yadav to name a few.
This conference is a joint collaboration of Congress non profit SAMRUDHHA BHARAT and 1928 Institute (Which is new name for India League founded by VK Krishnamenon, Classmate of Nehru at LSE and later on India's defense minister under Nehru.
You can refer to the below chart about Soros connection to Samrudhha Bharat and Bridge India.
Please refer to my thread link mentioned in the end of this thread to read in detail about Congress backed IDEAS FOR INDIA Conference in UK.
Two board members of GIJN (where Indian Express top journos are associated) stand out:
1. Paul Radu who is co-founder of The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP)
2. Syed Nazakat who is founder of factshala.in through his company dataLeads' collaboration with Google News Initiative and Internews (One of the biggest left leaning non-profit in the world working for media impact and democracy in journalism).
Internews and factshala.in are partner of Sambhaavna institute of Advocate Prashant Bhushan where all anti India elements in India come together to host their agenda workshops.
1. GIJN has three partners in India:
Reporters' collective -
funded by IPSMF (Founded by Nirjhari Sinha mother of AltNews founder Pratik Sinha).
Cobra Post -
(Founded by Tehlaka.com co-founder Anirudh Bahal and constantly posts anti-Hindutva/Anti-Modi content. You can see references to some of Cobra Post reports in Dhruv Rathi's Videos.)
If you remember Rana Ayyub used to work for Tehlaka.com till 2013!!
2. International Press Institute where Indian Express journos have another association, is a historically CIA Funded front.
And once our media and Congress Darling Barkha Dutt is on its board of directors!!
National Endowment for Democracy - A web of
political and academic propaganda for
Regime Change in India🎭
Part 20 🧵
There are two types of academics.
Writers and Rewriters.
Let's explore how Deep state bought both to run its socio-political propaganda to undermine India's society and democracy.
1. The Democratic question
In July 2023 JOURNAL OF DEMOCRACY, the proverbial mouthpiece of National Endowment for Democracy published a 5-article series on DEMOCRACY IN INDIA targeting the regime of BJP and PM Shri Narendra Modi.
This series was run by two editors:
William J. Dobson
Tareq Masoud
5 Academics they brought in for writing articles on INDIA's DEMOCRACY in this series were:
Maya Tudor
Tripurdaman Singh
Sumit Ganguly
Rahul Verma
Vineeta Ganguly
2. The Editors
Tareq Masoud - Ford foundation professor of Democracy and Governance, John F. Kennedy school of Governance, Harvard University.
Winner of Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship in 2003 for his Ph.D. at Yale.
Paul Soros is elder brother of George Soros and founder of Soros group which deals in the port management and construction across the globe in 90 countries.
Tareq Masoud is co-editor of Journal of Democracy also.
William J. Dobson - World Economic Forum Young Global Leader 2006
Served as Editor of "Foreign Policy" which is historically a CIA funded front.
Worked for The Washington Post during Arab Spring by reporting from Cairo, Egypt on special deputation by Washington post.