So, the latest #AntiVax bandwagon is that “no *healthy* young people died of covid in Israel”
As ever, given we know many under 50s died from Covid in the rest of the world, does this seem likely?
What do you think?!🙄
Let’s have a look at what’s going on….
I went to the link on @stkirsch’s tweet first (I always feel a bit yucky clicking on those, but I braved it!💪🏼)
And, as is often the case, this claim has come from a Freedom of Information request. This is a classic technique, to get an answer you can misconstrue.
Here is a Google Translate of the FOI that was sent to the Israeli Ministry of Health.
The first three questions were about the average age of covid deaths in the vaxxed vs the unvaxxed.
The unvaxxed died younger - but unsurprisingly the AVers ignored that bit!🙄
It was the 4th Q that they’ve jumped on:
Basically it’s the classic “how many people under 50 died of Covid without underlying health conditions.
The answer was:
Of the patients that the MOH had details of an epidemiological investigation on, whose parents has CHOSEN to share underlying conditions, all the covid deaths happened in patients with an underlying condition
They state they don’t have access to medical records
So these were clearly only a subset of the deaths in under 50s AND only a subset of THOSE where parents had given details of whether they had other health issues.
But of course, the AVers jumped on that and claimed “no healthy under 50s died”
Let’s not even go down the road of what “healthy” and “underlying conditions” means.
A 20 year old with Asthma who dies from catching covid is a very REAL covid death and should NEVER be dismissed.
The Israeli MOH got wind of this misinformation thanks to Elon Musk retweeting it (because, of course he did 🙄).
So they issued an explanation.
But was that sufficient to put the falsehood to bed?
Nope, of course not!
@DrEliDavid decided to screenshot their response, deliberately cutting it in half to remove all the context🤦♀️
At this point there can be no doubt that he knows he’s spreading lies.
But he knows his followers believe every word.
So @IsraelMOH have had to issue a full explanation, all because some AV grifters, who get a kick out of lying to their followers, felt the need to twist an FOI (as I said, that’s a really common trick).
So to clarify:
356 people under 50 have died from Covid in Israel so far.
Of those, the MOH itself only had records on 184 of them.
Of those, only 27 had the question on underlying conditions answered by relatives.
Presumably those without, didn’t answer the question?
The MOH has no access to medical records.
So asking THEM for the info was, I’m guessing, a deliberate attempt to get a twisted answer.
Just another day, and another AV lie.
It’s exhausting and frustrating- to see their followers never once questioning anything🤷♀️
So please call out this stuff when you see it
These grifters are pivoting strongly towards trying to stop all vaccinations, despite childhood vaccine programmes the world over saving millions of lives, especially in the developing world
When I highlighted that that headline had been hugely misleading, along with lots of support, I got a shed load of abuse and pushback.
So I’m going to respond to the key points people made and reveal what I’ve since discovered actually happened👍🏼
1st, the arguments against what I said
They broadly fell into 5 categories:
⏺️There was no duty to talk to her
⏺️They should have dismissed the complaint immediately
⏺️Should have sent a letter/phoned
⏺️They never come to my crime
⏺️Two-tier policing/it was Labour’s bidding
Everyday comes another media story designed to make a particular group of people very cross.
Last week, The Times, GB News, and the usual Twitter accounts were fuming at the fact that the NHS hires “expensive” diversity staff 🙄
Let’s dig into the article, shall we?
They like to focus on the salaries of these roles.
But is £122K or £91K REALLY that high a salary for a senior management position in an organisation that employs 100,000’s of people and interacts with millions of people every day when they're at their most vulnerable?
A quick look at the ad for the EDI position in London shows the wealth of experience, knowledge and skills needed to perform this role for a team of over 8,200 staff, serving a diverse population of almost one million people.
Nothing says legitimate organic Right Wing uprising in the UK like a meaningless petition that gets retweeted by a foreign billionaire with 200 million followers on the platform he controls.
But wait til you hear where the signatures are coming from!
This petition, calling for another general election in the UK, a mere 5 months after a stonking general election victory for Labour, has been “signed” by people in 141 countries🤔
It has received 100s of signatures in 16 different countries.
It’s received 10s of signatures in a further 34 different countries.