2/ When you look on the coronal plane at the tongue, the first thing you notice are two column like structures that look like a pair of jeans—genioglossus—or as I like to say “jean-ee-o-glossus.” Genioglossus is latin for jeans of the tongue, right?
3/Right below the jeans are what look like a pair of clown shoes—the geniohyoid. So you see a pair of legs going right into a pair of shoes.
4/The clown shoes look like they are balancing on a tight rope—the tight rope is the mylohyoid. The mylohyoid is easy to remember as the tight rope b/c it is often called the mylohyoid sling—a sling is like a tight rope
5/ So every time I look at the tongue on imaging, I am looking to make sure I can see my clown walking on a tight rope. Any distortion of that is pathologic.
6/ And although it’s not quite the tongue, right beneath the tight rope are two tubular looking structures pointed at you—the anterior bellies of the digastric muscles. I think they look like two gun barrels pointed at you.
7/ So next time some asks you about tongue anatomy, you can tell them about the clown on a tight rope above two gun barrels and they can say, “Aaaaah, now I get it.”
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1/Does trying to figure out cochlear anatomy cause your head to spiral?
Hungry for some help?
Here’s a thread to help you untwist cochlear CT anatomy w/food analogies!
2/On axial temporal bone CT, you cannot see the whole cochlea at once. So let’s start at the bottom.
The first thing you come to is the basal turn of the cochlea (makes sense, basal=bottom). On axial images, it looks like a banana. I remember both Basal and Banana start w/B.
3/As you move up to the next slice, you start to see the upper turns of the cochlea coming in above the basal turn. They look like a stack of pancakes.
Pancakes are the heart of any breakfast, so they are at the heart or middle of the cochlea on imaging.
MMA fights get a lot of attention, but MMA (middle meningeal art) & dural blood supply doesn’t get the attention it deserves.
A thread on dural vascular anatomy!
2/Everyone knows about the blood supply to the brain.
Circle of Willis anatomy is king and loved by everyone, while the vascular anatomy of the blood supply to the dura is the poor, wicked step child of vascular anatomy that is often forgotten
3/But dural vascular anatomy & supply are important, especially now that MMA embolizations are commonly for chronic recurrent subdurals.
It also important for understanding dural arteriovenous fistulas as well.