7/9 without increasing planting rates, only 1.3% of CO2 emissions from agriculture can be offset by hedge planting over 40 years
Meeting @theCCCuk goal by 2050 would sequester 10.13 megatons of CO2 over 40 years, offsetting 4.5% of CO2 emissions from agriculture each year
8/9 We are one the right path towards @theCCCuk goal of +40% hedge length, but still must increase planting and gapping-up rate from 1778 km/yr to 7148 km/yr !
‼️ #hedgerow planting efforts need to increase fourfold
1/7 Our 2022 paper on #soil carbon storage by hedgerows found an additional 41.5 tC/ha under hedges and showed a build-up of carbon stock over time 🌳⌛
But a big question remained: how variable is this additional stock in different regions of the country? 🔎
2/7 This time we went to different areas of the country to capture the range in geology, soil and climate that are typical of England’s improved grasslands. We went to Yorkshire, Cumbria, and Sussex