Ukraina har et betydelig behov for hjelp fra NATO og Norge på grunn av Russlands terrorkrig. Dette gjelder ikke bare våpen. En av hovedårsakene til dette behovet er den enorme ubalansen i personellressurser mellom Ukraina og Russland.
Norge, og resten av Europa, er sikkerhetsmessig tjent med at Russerne lider tap i Ukraina. Allerede det Ukrainerne til nå ha påført Russland av tap, har satt dem ti-år tilbake som trussel mot Norge.
Faren er at Ukraina, selv om de får solid støtte med våpen og materiell, vil slites ned på personellsiden.
Tilgang på NATOs profesjonelle styrker og støttepersonell, vil styrke Ukraina betydelig og redusere Russlands vilje til å stå i krigen.
Nå får Ukraina snart også tilgang på F-16 jagere, fly Norge har mange erfarne piloter til som kan bety en forskjell.
Norge har hatt betydelige styrker i flere kampsoner som Libanon, Kosovo, Irak og Afganistan. Aldri før har det vært behov for oss så mye som nå. Nå er det Ukraina som trenger oss.
I og med at Russland er involvert OG det er snakk om et fremtidig NATO-land, trenger vi denne gang ikke avvente FNs resolusjon for å bidra.
Ved å vise solidaritet med Ukraina kan Norge og NATO-land styrke alliansens troverdighet og avskrekke potensielle angrep på andre medlemsland.
🇬🇪BREAKING: The Council of Europe (CoE) has set strict conditions for granting Georgia’s ruling party, Georgian Dream (GD), credentials at PACE
Failure to comply by April 2025 could lead to full suspension—and open the door for more sanctions.
🧵The heat is on Georgian Dream ...
PACE’s conditions are clear and non-negotiable
📌 New, democratic elections under international monitoring
📌 End police brutality & repression
📌 Release political prisoners
📌 Repeal the “Foreign Agents” law
📌 Restore EU integration process
📌 Judicial & legislative reforms
PACE @coe demands a new vote, as the October 2024 election was fraudulent.
Georgia must create a fair electoral environment by addressing irregularities.
✅ Ensure political independence of election bodies
✅ Allow full international oversight and monitoring
🇬🇪Russia’s economy is under strict sanctions to weaken its ability to fund its war against Ukraine🇺🇦. Yet, oil continues to flow into Europe disguised as "Georgian-origin" products.
🧵🛢️A recent investigation reveals how Georgian Dream plays a key role in sanction evasion.
This thread is based on an investigation by iFact, an organization dedicated to advancing investigative journalism in Georgia through evidence-based reporting. Their findings highlight critical gaps in sanction enforcement. Credit to their vital work.…
In 2023-2024, Spain imported 99,000 tons of oil labeled as “Georgian,” valued at €49M. But here's the catch: Georgia doesn't produce anywhere near this amount of oil. The annual production is only 40,000 tons. So where is this oil really coming from?
🇬🇪HELP! Georgia suffered a fraudulent election that dismantled democracy and led to a one-party parliament under Georgian Dream. The Council of Europe’s fact-finding mission confirms widespread human rights violations.
Georgian Dream must be denied credentials at PACE!
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) must act. Article 8.2 of its Rules of Assembly allows for the rejection of credentials in cases of:
🔹Serious violations of CoE principles.
🔹Persistent failure to meet commitments.
Georgian Dream has crossed both lines.
The October election was rigged to erode public trust and undermine the democratic process. Georgian Dream’s so-called “parliament” is illegitimate and unrepresentative of the Georgian people’s will.
🇬🇪The Council of Europe @coe Commissioner for Human Rights, Michael O’Flaherty @CommissionerHR, has issued a devastating indictment of the Georgian Dreams’s human rights record. His findings highlight systemic abuses, legislative overreach, and shrinking space for civil society.
The Commissioner calls out the lack of accountability for police violence during protests in April 2024 and since November 2024. Despite credible reports of unlawful arrests and ill-treatment, not a single law enforcement officer is prosecuted.
While protesters face harsher penalties under rushed laws, law enforcement enjoys impunity, even for abuse committed by masked individuals (“titushkis”). The government refuses to implement basic identification for police, further undermining justice.
🇬🇪Language is power. How politicians frame their opponents shapes public opinion, silences dissent, and consolidates control. Georgian Dream’s rhetoric echoes authoritarian regimes of the past—think Mussolini’s Italy, Nazi Germany, and Franco’s Spain.
🧵Let’s unpack this.
Georgian Dream leaders like Bidzina Ivanishvili, Irakli Kobakhidze, and Shalva Papuashvili frequently use terms like "extreme," "radical," "liberal fascism," and "Global War Party" to label their opponents.
But this language isn't just hollow and colorful—it’s also strategic.
Authoritarian regimes historically used such rhetoric to dehumanize opponents and stifle political pluralism. Mussolini attacked liberal democracy and opposition as fostering "weakness." Hitler dismissed it as “systematic cultivation of failure.”
Sound familiar?
🇬🇪The UK has a unique opportunity to support Georgia’s democracy by imposing sanctions on Bidzina Ivanishvili and his network, including Irakli Rukhadze, Ucha Mamatsashvili, Hunnewell Partners, and Imedi TV.
🧵Let’s unpack why UK action is critical.
Ivanishvili’s family business empire is deeply tied to UK offshore jurisdictions like the British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands. Over 95 companies, including Cartu Bank, Galleria Tbilisi, and Axis Towers, could face crippling financial sanctions.
The UK’s stringent sanctions regime would freeze assets, restrict financial access, and strike at the heart of Ivanishvili’s network. This would complement U.S. sanctions, targeting economic powerhouses like Heidelberg Cement (co-owned by Rukhadze).