Daniel Gewolb, MD Profile picture
Jun 10, 2023 14 tweets 10 min read Read on X
Differential Diagnosis for cortically based masses


1️⃣Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma (PXA)
2️⃣Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET)
#Neurology #neurosurgery #peds #radres #neurotwitter @The_ASPNR @TheASNR #MedTwitter ImageImageImageImage

Originate in the subpial astrocytes typically in children and young adults often with a seizure history

Temporal lobe is most common
Imaging (variable):

▶️Classically appear as a cortically based mass with cyst and enhancing nodule and overlying DURAL TAIL or enhancing leptomeninges

▶️Calcifications are RARE ImageImage
▶️Can look very similar to ganglioglioma though calcifications are rare in PXA and if you’re lucky enough to have a dural tail/enhancing leptomeninges then PXA is favored

▶️Companion case of another PXA below ImageImageImageImage

▶️Cortically based mass in children and young adults presenting with long-standing seizures

▶️Most frequently occurs in temporal and frontal lobes

▶️Classically presents as a well demarcated cortically based “BUBBLY” mass with HYPERINTENSE RIM AROUND CYSTS ON FLAIR ImageImageImage
▶️Usually there is NO ENHANCEMENT (though can have punctate or ring enhancement). However, when enhancement is seen, consider the possibility of more aggressive tumors.

▶️Companion case below of another DNET ImageImageImage

▶️Cortically based mass mainly in ADULTS

▶️Location: FRONTAL and temporal lobes most common
▶️Classically presents as a gyriform cortical/subcortical based mass with GYRIFORM OR CLUMPED CALCIFICATIONS

▶️Consider this diagnosis in an ADULT WITH A CALCIFIED FRONTAL MASS ImageImageImageImage

▶️Occurs in children and young adults

▶️Location: Temporal lobe (most common)
Imaging (variable and can look very similar to PXA):

▶️Classically presents as a cystic and solid mass in the temporal lobe in a child/young adult with seizures

▶️Presence of CALCIFICATIONS & LACK OF DURAL TAIL may help to differentiate from PXA ImageImageImage
Companion case of another ganglioglioma ImageImageImageImage
💡 Learning points/summary:


1️⃣PXA: Cyst w/ enhancing mural nodule with DURAL TAIL/leptomeningeal enhancement and NO CALCIFICATIONS

2️⃣DNET: BUBBLY well demarcated mass with NO ENHANCEMENT ImageImageImageImage
3️⃣Oligodendroglioma: Gyriform mass in frontal lobe of an ADULT w/ CALCIFICATIONS

4️⃣Ganglioglioma: Cyst w/ enhancing nodule in temporal lobe w/ CALCIFICATIONS and NO DURAL TAIL ImageImageImage

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Feb 12
⭐️ Venous variants and abnormalities are the most common causes of pulsatile tinnitus

Differential and learning points in 🧵

#ENT #neurosurgery #Neurology #Medicine #MedEd #radres #futureradres @ASHNRSociety Image
🔷Ddx for venous causes of PT:

Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
Sigmoid plate dehiscence +/- diverticulum
Transverse sinus stenosis (w/ or w/o IIH)
Jugular bulb abnormalities
Dilated emissary veins
Extracranial IJ compression
Prominent occipital sinus
Occipital sinus stenosis
🔷Tinnitus occurs from turbulence within normally located veins and abnormally enlarged or located veins in close proximity to the conductive auditory pathways

🔷Concomitant venous findings may share the same pathophysiologic mechanism and may have additive effects causing PT
Read 23 tweets
Dec 10, 2024
Back from Belize! 🇧🇿

🔷What is the most likely diagnosis in this 25 y/o F w/ a band-like scalp lesion and local alopecia?

#Medicine #radres #futureradres #ENT #Rheum #Neurology #neurosurgery #Ophthalmology #FOAMed Image
Answer: Linear Scleroderma aka Scleroderma en coup de sabre

🔷Linear scleroderma is a focal form of scleroderma resulting in atrophy and alopecia of the frontal or frontoparietal scalp

🔷Atrophy involves the subjacent skull +/- underlying brain parenchyma (as seen in this case)
🔷Brain parenchymal abnormalities may have calcifications or micro-hemorrhage

🔷Linear scleroderma is associated w/ progressive facial hemiatrophy (Parry-Romberg syndrome) Image
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Nov 27, 2024
⭐️ What is the most likely diagnosis in this asymptomatic patient? What would your recommendation be if any?

#ENT @ASHNRSociety #Medicine #radres #futureradres #Neurology #Neurosurgery #ophthalmology #FOAMed Image
Answer: Benign-appearing notochordal lesion (formally ecchordosis physaliphora, EP)

💡 If no remote priors for comparison, recommend 6 month follow up which can be extended if unchanged at that time
🔷Pathologic nomenclature was revised from EP to benign notochordal cell tumor (BNCT)

🔷Notochordal remnants are a pathologic spectrum ranging from benign (EP/BNCT), indolent, intermediate, & aggressive chordomas
Read 7 tweets
Nov 24, 2024
⭐️What is the most likely diagnosis in this 40 y/o M presenting w/ 10 days of L neck/throat/ear pain, worsened by neck palpation and head turning?

🔷PMH: None
🔷ESR/CRP: Mildly ⬆️

#Medicine #Neurology #neurosurgery #ENT #radres #futureradres #FOAMed @ASHNRSociety Image
⭐️ Answer: Transient Perivascular Inflammation of the Carotid Artery (Carotidynia or Fay syndrome)
🔷Pathology: Unknown inflammatory process of the carotid wall

▶️Young and middle age adults
▶️No gender predilection
Read 7 tweets
Nov 22, 2024
What is the most likely diagnosis in this 30 y/o M presenting with seizures, fever & headache?

🔷CSF x2:
Worsening neutrophilic pleocytosis despite Abx
Negative infectious studies
No malignancy on cyto/flow
OCBs +

🔷CT CAP: normal
#neurology #medicine #radres @AlbanyMedRadRes Image
Additional image 👇
#futureradres #Neurosurgery #FOAMed Image
Answer: FUEL “FLAIR-variable unilateral enhancement of the leptomeninges” in MOGAD

🔷MOG antibody-associated disease (MOG-AAD)

Path: MOG-AAD is an autoimmune inflammatory demyelinating disease targeting oligodendrocytes
Read 12 tweets
Nov 19, 2024
⭐️ Classic case: 45 y/o Female presents w/ intermittent R pulsatile tinnitus for 1-2 years, what’s the most likely diagnosis?

#meded #medicine #ENT #Neurology #radres #futureradres #neurosurgery @ASHNRSociety Image
Answer: Glomus Tympanicum Paraganglioma

🔷PATHOLOGY: Benign tumor arising from glomus bodies along the inferior tympanic nerve (Jacobson nerve)
▶️Vascular retrotympanic mass
▶️Pulsatile tinnitus
▶️Female predominance (~3:1)
▶️Generally middle age at diagnosis
Read 8 tweets

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