So my #prolife friends who haven't read #TheHandmaidsTale have a better idea about the slippery slope some people in the US think we're on after the #DobbsDecision, in the novel Serena Joy was a public figure who helped 6ring about a theocracy ruled by men, in which 1/5
homosexual and premarital sex were punishable by death, and women weren't allowed to read or write and couldn't have their own money so they'd be dependent on men. Because Serena and her husband haven't been able to have children, they are allowed a "handmaid," 2/6
a woman who has somehow "sinned" against the theocracy and is known to be fertile. The Handmaids are ritually raped by the men to whom they are assigned in order to get them pregnant as surrogates for the infertile wives. 3/6
#UnplannedPregnancy/#CrisisPregnancy? The people who donate to, work at and volunteer at pregnancy help centers are not necessarily Christians and their main concern is to make it easier for pregnant people to choose life for their babies.
Fact: Pro-life pregnancy centers help women who have already had their children, as well as pregnant women. They are dedicated to supporting and helping families, not just saving babies — though that is a very important part of their work.
"statements like the one from the ABOG about 'misinformation' are silencing those who don’t adhere to the pro-abortion orthodoxy promoted by the association and other professional organizations like it."…
Dr. Jayapruhu questioned the media’s telling of the story, explaining that as he read through the account, “There were so many holes that didn’t make sense to me as a practicing obstetrician that don’t fit with what I would do as a [Texan] provider.”…
One of the best illustrations of the radical left's lack of reason is about 36 minutes into the #WhatIsAWoman documentary, where @RepMarkTakano realizes he's backed himself into a corner and abruptly ends the interview because he really can't justify why women should 1/4
have to tolerate a person with visible male anatomy in bathrooms and changing rooms. It's the same kind of evasiveness we get from radical politicians when we ask when a human being's right to life should be legally protected - they try to change the subject to the emotional 2/4
trauma of the gender dysphoric (or at least claiming to be female) or the pregnant person without acknowledging the rights of the females to pee and change in privacy or the rights of the prenatal human beings to live. 3/4