On Dec 5, SEBI dropped a bombshell: an Interim Order cum Show Cause Notice against Mishtann Foods (MFL).
Here's a thread 🧵
Mishtann Foods is not just cooking rice, it's cooking its books.
#Redflags #corporategovernance #mishtannfoods
The Rise and the Red Flags 🚩
Market cap: ₹1600 Cr as of Dec 4, 2024(Before SEBI Order)
2 Lower Circuit of 20% in last 2 days
Public shareholders surged 800x in 6 years
(FY18: 516 → Sep 2024: 4.23 lakh)
Promoter Hitesh Patel sold ~3 Cr shares (₹50 Cr) in Jul-Aug 2024.
Before Analysing,
Some Suspicious Metrics 📊
₹1288 Cr sales with just ₹3 Cr in fixed assets (Asset T/O: 400x!)
Margins jumped from 2% to 28% in 4 yrs
Operating cash flow? Negative for 6 yrs
₹16 Cr inventory for ₹1288 Cr sales?
Just 5 permanent employees.
Before we move ahead, Beat The Street has been front runner in exposing multiple frauds, redflags and conducting forensic analysis on multiple listed entities
Also if you are looking for bespoke Forensic Analysis and Services please email us to contact@beatthestreet.in
We have doing it for free so that retail investors can learn
Please do consider taking our handle to a larger investor..!!
Fund Diversion
Beat The Street have raised multiple concerns on fund diversion at Varanium Cloud - some of those have been noted by even SEBI also.
The global consumption of refined copper has exhibited a remarkable upward trend over the past century, growing from 0.5 million metric tonnes in 1900 to approximately 25 million tonnes in 2020.
According to the USGS, copper reserves amounted to around 890 Mt in 2022.