[1/4] @JerryGarcia, one of the most agile, hard-working, and articulate musicians of his generation, died on this day in 1995. I grew up standing in front of him, seeing Jerry perform with @GratefulDead and the Garcia Band more than 300 times. Photo by me in 1980.
[2/4] For #Deadheads like me, @JerryGarcia's death was not just the loss of a man who had brought us much joy and adventure, it was the end of an era in our own lives. I tried to express those thoughts in an essay written shortly after his death: poetspath.com/Scholarship_Pr…
[3/4] I only spoke with @JerryGarcia at length once, but it was a hilarious and marvelous experience of feeling like we were conspiring against the unhip world, recalled in this recent @JamBase podcast: jambase.com/article/steve-…
[4/4] I used to wonder if I'd ever "grow out of" @JerryGarcia's music. The opposite happened. The older I get, the more I appreciate his versatility, humility and humanity, which you can hear in every note. He was one of the most gifted instumental storytellers who ever lived.
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[1/4] Augustus Owsley Stanley III, aka "Bear," was born OTD in 1935. Perhaps best known for making the LSD that fueled the Summer of Love (thus inspiring the Steely Dan song "Kid Charlemagne"), Bear was much more than that. [📸Amalie Rothschild]
[2/4] As sound man and mentor to @GratefulDead, Bear began the practice of taping the band every night so they could learn from their own performances. #Deadheads turned that into a global community. Bear's Sonic Journals also captured many other bands with astonishing clarity.
[3/4] Bear's innovative concepts for the @GratefulDead's sound system (based in his experiences of #synesthesia, and culminating in the awesome-sounding but impractical "Wall of Sound" in 1974) transformed modern concert sound for the whole rock-touring industry. [📸Kirk West]
[2/6] @FoxNews' Laura Ingraham was one of the first and most aggressive promoters of ivermectin, claiming "hundreds of thousands of people" died unnecessarily because it wasn't approved. She also claimed FDA was suppressing ivermectin in favor of vaccines. washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/…
[3/6] Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo claimed ivermectin is "incredibly effective" against #COVID19 and that Big Pharma is suppressing it. Meanwhile, @WSJ ran an op-ed touting ivermectin's ability to both "treat" and "prevent" #COVID19. wsj.com/articles/fda-i…
[1/4] Tips for folks who want to be good allies during #AutismAcceptanceMonth: 1. Most autistic people prefer to be called "autistic" rather than "people with autism." 2. Listen to autistic people. 3. Avoid demeaning/inaccurate terms like "high functioning" and "low functioning."
[2/4] 4. Read great books by #autistic authors like "We're Not Broken," "Diary of a Young Naturalist," "Ten Steps to Nanette," "Keep Clear," and "Sincerely, Your Autistic Child." 5. If you book autistic speakers for events, pay them what you'd pay non-autistic speakers.
[3/4] 6. Support autistic-led organizations like @autselfadvocacy and @awnnetwork_ rather than organizations like Autism Speaks. 7. Understand that the spectrum is not linear running from "mild" to "severe." 8. Maximize every person's chances to communicate with AAC.
[1/5] This must have been when Trump so dominated Putin in a meeting that the Russian leader was still shaking in his boots.
[2/5] No, wait sorry, THIS must been the time Putin was truly cowed by Trump's alpha-male fearlessness that I keep hearing about in right-wing media.
[3/5] OK OK maybe I messed those up, but surely this was the occasion when Putin learned that standing up to "America First!" Trump was hopeless and his expansion plans for Russia didn't have a prayer of success.
[1/7] Friends, we need to focus on absorbing these truths, because we're in grave trouble, and it's our trouble as a nation. A foreign dictator whose security forces routinely toss dissidents out windows is trying to start World War 3. Meanwhile...
[2/7] The twice-impeached unindicted criminal former President of the United States has declared Putin "savvy" and "a genius," and implied that America should be sending invading forces into Mexico. clayandbuck.com/president-trum…
[3/7] The host of the most popular cable disinformation show in America says the question we should be asking ourselves is, "Why do I hate Putin?"
[1/4] I've seen 3 stories this week on how the Trump crime family and staff jumped the line for #COVID19 vaccines after encouraging the virus to spread & kill half a million Americans. They're the guys who shoved their way into the Titanic lifeboats as women and children drowned.
[3/4] Trump Tower in Chicago vaccinates luxury condo staff, not yet eligible under state guidelines, with scarce #COVID19 vaccines meant for hard-hit people of color. blockclubchicago.org/2021/03/16/tru…