To the skeptics out there who lack confidence in the strength and abilities of our Ukrainian soldiers, we want to say this: We are moving forward. We are defeating the enemy. We will win.
We wish to thank everyone who has stood by our side since day one, and who continues to do so. We will always treasure your friendship.
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У бою за місто-герой Волноваху сержант Андрій Ханін знищив танк 🇷🇺 загарбників та близько 10 солдат, був тяжко поранений.
🎖 12 березня 2022 року сержанту Андрію Ханіну присвоєно звання Герой України (посмертно).
Вічна слава та вічна пам’ять Герою! 🇺🇦
In the battle for the heroic city of Volnovakha, Sergeant Andriy Khanin, he destroyed an enemy tank and about ten enemies. During the war, when he was wounded, he helped his wounded brothers-in-arms and performed his duty to the last.
The Hero's journey against the Russian aggressor began back in 2014 in Crimea. More than anything else in his life, Andriy dreamed of seeing the Ukrainian flag flying over his native peninsula again.