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Dec 4 13 tweets 3 min read Twitter logo Read on Twitter
Perturbed utility stochastic traffic assignment

We use some cool math to solve huge equilibrium problems really quickly!

Working paper here:


#dkforsk #dktrp #EconTwitter #transportation
@cykelnorden @ThomasKjrRasmu2…
We deal with the problem of computing Nash equilibrium (SUE) in a large congestible traffic network.

Travelers make individually optimal route choices, taking travel times into account.

Travel times, in turn, depend on the individual choices.

This is a huge problem. For real traffic networks we have many million decision variables.

Naive algorithms, iterating demand and supply, are way too slow.

We need something really fast!

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This will allow us to use the perturbed utility route choice (PURC) model for large-scale applications with congestion. E.g. to analyze road pricing.

The PURC model has some attractive features:

-> It includes the whole network, no choice sets are required
-> Substitution patterns are induced directly by the network structure
-> It predicts true zero flow in irrelevant parts of the network
-> It can be estimated by plain regression

The predicted flow for an individual is the solution to a large optimization problem.

Finding equilibrium with many thousand individuals is a huge problem!

But we can do it!

How do we do it?

-> We set up the equilibrium problem as one convex constrained optimization problem

-> We find the dual Lagrange function in closed form. This is an unconstrained and smaller convex problem

-> This allows us to use fast first-order methods

-> We use accelerated gradient descent

-> We add some quasi-Newton scaling of the gradient

-> We update network travel times by one Newton step at every iteration

And get something really fast!

Much faster than the primal algorithm 9/N Image
The runtime is about linear in problem size

(we are testing problems with 10^8 decision variables!)

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We also test on a range of standard problems

Our fastest dual algo is 100x faster than the slowest. A primal algo is just out of the question

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In conclusion:

We can compute Nash equilibrium (SUE) with huge congestible traffic networks and a demand model (PURC) that just includes the whole network as it is.


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1/ Image
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