I've been uprooted, not just homeless but forcibly displaced. Made it to #Egypt, escaped the #genocide physically but mentally? You can never recover from it. I feel lost, I feel the survivor's guilt & I feel angry. Finally recovering from #Covid. Threat below for more
My dad's wife is Palestinian American, we fought to get our names on the border. My dad is 80 & recovering from lung complications, my elder sister is cancer survivor & my other sister is recovering from a dislocated jaw. So much details to share, I'd need months. #Gaza
I was very active until I started getting threats of getting doxed, my name & information was placed on "certain" websites that label outspoken Palestinians & pro Palestinians with a "certain" label but the blackouts in #Gaza kinda helped me navigate through that shitstorm.
I took a break so let's talk, It's been a while. Having an intense training in #Senegal while #Gaza is under attack & worrying about my family, friends & people there is taking a toll & I want to openly share with U since I used #Twitter as a space therapeutic space from day 1.
As humanitarians & activists we find ourselves between 1-wanting to stay strong & always speak up without sharing frustration & exhaustion because it's less about us & more about the cause/people we represent, & 2-Being told to shut up, conform, compromise & just silently accept.
We often push ourselves past any limit, we work hard & we put ourselves last. We tend to not want to be labeled as those who always speak up fearing the "troublemaker" label. I often find some us being gaslit into oppressing our trueselves to not rock any boats.