We are excited to announce a 2nd series of collaborative projects & clinical trials supported via our LongCovid Research Consortium: polybio.org/new-longcovid-…
2/ The projects/trials further address #SARS-CoV-2 persistence in #LongCOVID, plus the impact of viral activity on #Alzheimer’s & cardiovascular disease. They include:
1. Icahn School of Medicine Mount Sinai: “A clinical trial of repurposed HIV antivirals in LongCOVID” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/a-cli…
2. University of California San Francisco: “LIINC PASC Tissue Program: A multimodal assessment of the tissue-based virologic drivers of Long COVID” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/liinc…
3. Yale University School of Medicine: “Molecular identification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA persistence” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/molec…
4. French National Institute for Health & Medical Research/ESPOIRS: “SARS-CoV-2 persistence and impact on LongCOVID megakaryocytes & platelets” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/sars-…
5. UMass Chan Medical School: “Impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection on Alzheimer’s and neurodegenerative disease” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/impac…
6. New York University Grossman School of Medicine: “Deep characterization of SARS-CoV-2 cardiovascular reservoirs and plaque formation ” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/deep-…
7. Karolinska Institutet Sweden: “Genetic variants and restrained antiviral immunity in severe LongCOVID” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/genet…
8. University of California San Francisco: “COVID-19 Post Sudden Death Autopsy Study” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/covid…
9. The J. Craig Venter Institute: “Deep characterization of antiviral immune responses & LongCOVID pathogenesis” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/deep-…
10. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai: “LongCOVID & ME/CFS Lumbrokinase clinical trial” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/lumbr…
11. University of Pennsylvania: “LongCOVID: Defining the viral RNA reservoir in the gastrointestinal tract” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/long-…
12. The J. Craig Venter Institute: “LongCOVID oral cavity biomarker study” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/long-…
13. Karolinska Institutet Sweden: “Impact of SARS-CoV-2 on LongCOVID gut & lymphoid pathology” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/impac…
14. University of Pennsylvania: “Second phase expansion of LongCOVID T cell & lymph node analysis” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/secon…
15. The J. Craig Venter Institute: “Mechanistic biomarker discovery of LongCOVID endotypes + Consortium LabKey data management” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/mecha…
16. The OSLUV Project/Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai: “LongCOVID clinic clean air initiative” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/longc…
17. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai: “LongCOVID open medical education program” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/open-…
A huge thank you to all our donors including @VitalikButerin for making the projects happen. Consortium teams are openly sharing ideas and samples across dozens of different academic institutions, laboratories, and clinics
PolyBio is glad to have supported this Nature Immunology paper showing #LongCovid immune dysregulation connected to potential #SARS-CoV-2 tissue reservoirs. Learn more about the findings here: polybio.org/polybio-suppor…
2/ Overall, Long COVID patients showed differences in the distributions of their T cells, implying ongoing #immune responses. The team also documented a mis-coordination between the SARS-CoV-2-specific T and B cell responses of Long COVID patients.
3/ What underlies the T and B cell dysfunction identified in the study? Data point to the possibility that persistent #SARS-CoV-2 reservoirs in patient tissue are a contributing factor.
We are excited to announce a $15M gift from Kanro: a philanthropic fund to support scientific research established by Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum: finance.yahoo.com/news/polybio-r…
2/ The funding will support a second phase of research and clinical trials via the #LongCovid Research Consortium (LCRC): a global scientific collaboration to rapidly and openly study core biological drivers of Long COVID: polybio.org/longcovid
3/ This is Buterin's second $15M gift to the Consortium and will allow dozens of new projects to move forward. The focus will be the continued study and treatment of #SARS-CoV-2 persistence as a driver of LongCovid.
We are excited to share that @MBVanElzakker & team at @MGHMartinos have published a preprint with the results of a high-resolution #LongCovid imaging study. They identified neuroinflammation across a wide range of brain regions in LongCovid patients: polybio.org/polybio-suppor…
2/ They additionally found that #neuroinflammation positively correlated with blood measures related to vascular dysfunction. The study is supported via our LongCovid Research Consortium
3/ More specifically, the team used a neuroimaging method called position emission tomography (PET) to measure #neuroimmune activation in the brains of LongCovid study participants
PolyBio is proud to have supported this new study by @MichaelPelusoMD & team. They identified tissue-based T cell activation in body sites such as brainstem/bone marrow + #SARS-CoV-2 RNA persistence in colorectal tissue up to 2 years post-COVID-19: medrxiv.org/content/10.110…
2/ More specifically they performed whole-body positron emission tomography (#PET) imaging in a group of 24 participants at time points ranging from 27-910 days following acute SARS-CoV-2 infection using a novel radiotracer that quantifies activated T lymphocytes
3/ Tracer uptake in the post-acute #COVID-19 group - which included participants with and without #LongCovid symptoms - was significantly higher compared to pre-pandemic controls in many anatomical regions
PolyBio is excited to be leading the LongCovid Research Consortium (LCRC): a global scientific collaboration to rapidly & comprehensively study #LongCovid disease mechanisms, with a focus on SARS-CoV-2 reservoir (). LCRC projects we are supporting include:polybio.org/longcovid
1. Perelman School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania: “Long COVID: Using #SARS-CoV-2 specific T cells as biosensors of viral persistence” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/long-…
2. JCVI/Cardiff University/Karolinska Institutet: “Elucidation of SARS-CoV-2 reservoir and related Long COVID pathology in #lung tissue, fluid, and blood using molecular #virology & advanced sequencing” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/eluci…
This is an important talk @resiapretorius gave at the @polybioRF Seminar Series. Her early pilot data (~10 subjects) shows that #LongCovid patients have abnormal microclots in their blood samples that are indicative of endothelial + platelet dysfunction:
2/ The microclots in the LongCovid samples contain serum amyloid A, fibrinogen, complement factors, and cytoskeletal kerratin. Dr. Pretorius has already filed a patent for diagnosing #LongCovid using detection of these deposits. She is also writing a paper on her findings.
3/ This is a cool image from her presentation that shows 1) the blood of a patient before #COVID-19 (healthy) 2) microclots in the patient’s #blood during COVID-19 3) microclots in the patient's blood several months later when they had #LongCovid symptoms