Bad Actors, Bad Hats, Fake Oppo, Controlled Oppo, Compromised Journos.
You want to know who they are? Well, here ya go.
Warning: Some of these people are cute and seem nice and stuff. Prepare to cry if you have a lot of news crushes.
John Cardillo.
Ryan Saavedra.
Raheem Kassam.
Al Gore.
Joy Reid.
Soledad O'Brien.
Alexandra Chalupa.…
Roger Stone.
Tad Devine.
And a cast of thousands.……
Chris Hayes.
Others abovementioned.
International Spy Museum
Edward J. Mathias
Adam Waldman
Sara Carter
It would be a shame if this link broke or whatev, so I'll copy it out for ya, and ALPHAbetize (Hai Yuri Milner and #SemionMogilevich! 😘) it to boot.…
Christiane Amanpour
Mark Ames
Julian Assange
Bill Ayres
Jeff Bezos
Charlie Black
Max & Sid Blumenthal
Pat Buchanan
Cliven Bundy et famille
David Brock
Noam Chomsky
Stephen F. Cohen
Piers & Jeremy Corbyn
Howard Dean
Bill DeBlasio
Bernadette Doern
Matt Drudge
Yuli-Yoel Edelstein
Louis Farrakhan
Hakan Fidan
Carly Fiorina
Michael Flynn
George Galloway
Amy Goodman
Al Gore, Jr.
Billy & Franklin Graham
Glenn Greenwald
Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera ("El Chapo")
Arianna Huffington
Jesse Jackson
Alex Jones
Kim Kardashian
John Kasich [f/k/a the only Repub pres candidate I didn't loathe]
Rania Khalek
Ayatollah Khamenei
Koch Brothers
Paul Krugman
Dennis Kucinich
Lyndon Larouche
Avigdor Leiberman
Eduard Limonov
Marie Le Pen [I think he meant Marine, but I figure all of the Le Pens qualify]
Paul Manafort
Seddique Mateen
Robert Malley
Michael Moore
Ralph Nader
Mohammad Najibullah
Pierre Omidyar
Robert Parry
Ron & Rand Paul
Sean Penn
John Podesta [DANG IT]
Mikhail Prokherov
Daniel & Jesselyn Radack
Justin Raimondo
Lew Rockwell
Paul Craig Roberts
Dana Rohrabacher
Wilma Rousseff
Bernie Sanders
Jeremy Scahill
Matthew Scully
Israel Shamir
Tupac Shakur
Al Sharpton
Sheldon Silver
Edward Snowden
David Stockman
Roger Stone
Sean Stone
Matt Taibbi
Orly Taitz
David Talbot
Tyrel Ventura
Gore Vidal
Katrina vanden Heuvel
Kanye West
Geert Wilders
Abdul Rahman Yusuf (son of Yusuf al-Qaradawi)
Ayman al-Zawahiri
Howard Zinn
Tammy Duckworth. (I know....war stuff)
Entire mainstream media outlets are not necessarily Kremlin fronts, but to varying degrees, the Kremlin has successfully infected them, turning correspondents, editors, reporters, anchors, producers, and bigwigs to account, as shown.
Nina Jankowicz
along with Dustin Giebel.
They're catching on! I'm so proud…