Hard sciences & cold data. Engineer, outdoorsman, birder, nerd, optimistic, human rights advocate.
Spring Migration! Warblers, tanagers, shorebirds, passerines
Apr 18, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
As global temperatures increase, there's a greater risk of human life and economic loss. I will use available EU data to show a pattern that climate change is causing quality of life and risk of death hardships, while switching to renewables can reduce risks
Start with the economic factors:
Individual years vary greatly, the trend -last 2 years by far the most expensive data is based on fixed 2020€.
How much has it increased?
The last 2 years suffered 1/3rd more economic damage than 1980-1989 combined 2/7 eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/…
Jan 28, 2024 • 33 tweets • 6 min read
A basic primer on climate science, this is an ongoing Spaces lecture I'm giving each Saturday ~12:30 Eastern Time (UTC-5:00) for the beginner.
This might get long...
The Flight of Icarus
We all know the mythology of Icarus whose wings of feathers & wax melted as he gained altitude and came close to the sun. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story, even the Greeks of antiquity knew the higher you went, the colder it gets.
Aug 26, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Every day we see posts claiming that CO2 does not have an influence on atmospheric temperature, or "the science isn't settled" but there's no doubt in the scientific community and that's because of 2 centuries of experimentation and theory.
For brevity I will skip the first 100 years and go straight to Canadian Guy Callendar, the first person to quantify the change of radiative forcing in the atmosphere due to changes in CO2. This is the amount of retained IR emitted by the Earth's surface & atmosphere.
May 3, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
#ClimateBrawl #ResistanceEarth
The temperature of Earth's surface, depends upon two relatively easy to measure parameters, energy coming in from the sun, and energy emitted by the Earth's surface and atmosphere.
NASA has a set of satellites measuring these parameters.
The "easy" one is incoming solar energy- that varies slightly over the course of the entire series and as represented here was (as measured at top of atmosphere) 340.185W/M² + 0.058% / - 0.043%. 2/4
May 2, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
#ClimateBrawl #ClimateScam #ResistanceEarth
Okay, this is how climate deniers think, and this is a perfect example of why their lack of basic logic & intelligence make them not just very easy to immediately dismiss, but also make fun of.
Gravity is a scam
We know gravity isn't real, it's scam. It's a Marxist/ fascist/ woke conspiracy where all the data is adjusted.
It's all to create a single world government, under Soros and Gates.
It's only here to take away our freedom and tax us.
How do we know gravity is a scam?
Jan 21, 2023 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
#ResistanceEarth #ClimateBrawl
There's a lot of misunderstanding on electrical power generation, it's part of the reason why many think wind power is more expensive or requires more infrastructure, even though the oposite is true. So let's get electricity generation!
Take a coil of wire- spin a magnet inside of it, and you generate electricity.
Thank you folks, you've been a blast, good night!
Jan 19, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
#ClimateBrawl #ResistanceEarth
This account was originally began as a parody of the "Grand Solar Minimum" movement, an attempt to hook a few in (quite successful, I might add!) thinking GSM is in total control of climate when the reality is, there's no GSM.
An explainer
Sunspots are magnetically active areas on the "surface" and a few hundred Km below on the sun. Remember that the sun is this 1.4 million Km diameter ball of superheated gas (~25% Hydrogen, 23% Helium, & some heavier elements) and the surface is constantly changing.