Official X account of Alberta Health Services.
Not monitored 24/7.
For emergencies, dial 911.
For non-urgent medical advice, pls. call Health Link at 811.
Mar 9 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
There is no evidence that the Atabay acetaminophen formulation increases the risk of illness. 1/7
The Atabay acetaminophen (which is regularly used in Europe) is a lower concentration compared to Canadian acetaminophen products. Because of this, more volume is needed to achieve the same dose. 2/7
Jun 15, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
After careful review, AHS will no longer require continuous masking at all AHS facilities, including continuing care and contracted sites as of June 19, 2023. 1/6
This change applies to all patients, families, and visitors at AHS facilities, as well as Alberta Precision Laboratories, Covenant Health, CapitalCare, & Carewest sites. 2/6
Dec 8, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
We are aware of misinformation that a number of children are being hospitalized at Alberta's Children's Hospital with adverse events following their COVID-19 vaccination. At this time, AHS has not had any pediatric hospitalizations related to COVID-19 vaccination. 1/4
Of the nearly 7 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine administered in Alberta as of Dec. 5, 2021, there have been reports of adverse events from 2,036 individuals.… 2/4
Oct 9, 2021 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
We are aware of concerns regarding an exemption at AHS facilities that allows symptomatic or COVID-positive essential designated support persons to be with a maternity patient during their stay. Please know, protocols are in place for the safety of all patients & staff. 1/7
These exemptions, which have been in effect since July 2021, are granted under exceptional circumstances & only at the request of the patient giving birth. We know the importance of having support at this time. This is a critical part of our approach to patient centred care. 2/7
Oct 9, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
AHS Scientific Advisory Group has updated its review into using ivermectin in treatment & prevention of COVID-19. Based on available evidence, neither the veterinary or human drug versions of ivermectin have been deemed safe or effective for use against COVID-19. 1/5
Findings from the review indicate concern with studies to date including inadequate controls, flawed design, bias and small sample sizes. Some studies previously shared have also been withdrawn given concerns over fraudulent data. 2/5
Oct 9, 2021 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
The Central Zone Summary of Declared Outbreaks is an internal document used by AHS Central Zone for outbreak management planning & operational purposes. Info on outbreaks is shared with Alberta Health through other mechanisms—this document is not distributed to government. 1/7
The document is a comprehensive list of sites under investigation in Central Zone, including open COVID-19 outbreaks and other illnesses, such as gastro-intestinal illnesses. 2/7
Oct 8, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
We are grateful and thankful for companies and individuals who are offering food to our frontline staff. It's very heartening to know that Albertans have our backs, just as we have theirs. 1/4
Unfortunately, our hospitals and staff are currently unable to accept food donations due to food safety protocols and hospital restrictions during the pandemic. 2/4
Oct 4, 2021 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
AHS is aware of comments in a blog making claims about the use of ivermectin in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. The blog post details content from a speech given by a physician who has locum privileges with AHS. 1/11
This physician is not scheduled to work as a locum in AHS. Generally, when AHS receives complaints or concerns related to the conduct of a physician, a review is undertaken as per the Medical Bylaws. 2/11
Oct 4, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
We are aware of allegations made in a speech by a B.C. physician who previously held locum privileges with AHS. 1/6
In alignment with @GovCanHealth, @US_FDA , @CPSA_CA & @AlbertaPharmacy, AHS does not recommend the use of ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19. Other health authorities have taken a similar position, as have provincial regulatory bodies for physicians and pharmacists. 2/6
Sep 20, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
We are not experiencing any significant ongoing issues with a lack of morgue capacity.
The Royal Alexandra Hospital and University of Alberta Hospital in Edmonton did experience some temporary capacity issues over the weekend, however this has been resolved and our morgues once again have capacity. This was due to delays in transportation to funeral homes.
Sep 8, 2021 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
In order to best support adult critical care during this fourth wave of COVID-19 pressures, AHS Calgary Zone has made the difficult decision to postpone all scheduled elective surgeries and many outpatient procedures for the remainder of this week at our Calgary hospitals.
This move will allow AHS to deploy qualified staff to support intensive care and critical care beds within the Zone. Today, there are 95 ICU beds operating in Calgary which is 29 more than our usual total of ICU beds (66).
Aug 29, 2021 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
AHS is transferring up to nine patients out of the Grande Prairie QEII Hospital to neighbouring healthcare centres. This is a result of increased COVID-19 patients requiring acute care and ICU spaces at the facility. 1/6
When it is safe and appropriate to do so, AHS will work to transfer these patients back to the QEII. 2/6
Aug 27, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
With the rise in COVID-19 cases in the community and the increasing demand on hospital resources, AHS is taking steps to create additional acute & ICU capacity.
This will result in the postponement of some non-urgent surgeries and procedures to ensure we have the beds and staff required to take care of all patients needing hospital care, including those with COVID-19 as well as other Albertans who are sick or injured.
Jul 23, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Alberta Health Services facilities are open and ready to provide care to Albertans who need it. Any patient needing emergency care anywhere in Alberta, or needing an acute care bed, will receive the high quality of care you expect from AHS.
AHS has approximately 8,500 acute care beds and 1,200 emergency dept. spaces across the province. Currently, 98.5 per cent of all AHS provincial acute care beds & 98.9 per cent of all provincial emergency spaces are open & available for patients.
Jul 23, 2021 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
The Queen Elizabeth II Hospital remains open for any patient needing care. 1/6
The hospital temporarily closed 8 medical inpatient beds earlier this year due to staffing coverage issues & the COVID-19 pandemic. Six surgical beds were also closed temporarily, resulting in a temporary reduction in surgical services at the site. 2/6
Jul 22, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Timely access to surgeries is important to Albertans, and today, AHS issued a chartered surgical facility (CSF) request for proposals (RFP) to help improve access for Albertans.
CSFs will increase the volume of publicly-funded surgeries currently being performed. These independent facilities provide safe, low-risk surgeries without cost to patients, allowing AHS hospitals to focus on emergency and more complex surgeries.
Jul 21, 2021 • 8 tweets • 1 min read
Case investigation & contact tracing have been a cornerstone in our fight against COVID-19, and we are so incredibly grateful to our team members for stepping up during a time when Albertans needed them most.
With COVID-19 cases at low levels and 5 million+ doses of COVID-19 vaccine administered across the province, AHS has moved into the next phase of our pandemic response.
Jul 21, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
The rapid flow COVID-19 immunization clinics in #yeg and #yyc will close by the end of July. Demand for immunization continues; however, rapid flow clinics are no longer needed given the increasing percentage of immunized Albertans.
Seamless access to immunization services will continue to be provided 7 days a week in both cities. Immunization locations include public health centres, some pharmacies and some physician offices.
Apr 6, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Tomorrow at 8 a.m., additional Albertans will be eligible to book a COVID-19 immunization as part of phase 2B through AHS online & Health Link 811. This includes Albertans with underlying health conditions born in or before 1973.
To prepare for the next wave of eligible Albertans, the AHS online tool will be unavailable tomorrow from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. Bookings will begin at 8 a.m.
Apr 5, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Bookings for those eligible in Phase 2B for COVID-19 immunization are underway. Today, Albertans eligible to book through AHS online or through Health Link 811 include those with underlying health conditions born in or before 1963.
Phase 2B represents approximately 650,000 Albertans and is the largest eligible group to date. If 811 rings busy, or you are unable to access the online tool, please try back later in the day as volumes are high.
Apr 4, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
AHS COVID-19 immunization bookings for those eligible in Phase 2B will launch tomorrow at 8 a.m. through AHS online or through Health Link 811 for those with underlying health conditions born in or before 1963. 1/5
To ensure the COVID-19 booking tool is prepared for the next wave of eligible Albertans, the tool will be offline tonight from 9 p.m. to midnight, and tomorrow between 7:00 a.m. to 8 a.m. 2/5