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Oct 25, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
What’s a #SwingState, and why does it matter? Every vote matters, no matter where you are. But thanks to the electoral college, a few states are critical to win. These swing states can push a candidate over the electoral finish line—and they’re the ones that flip between both parties. 🗳️ In recent years, swing states have been decided by tight margins. Young people hold the key to making a difference in these races. We saw this in 2020 when #Trump lost some of these states by as little as 10,000 votes. #SwingTheVote
Jun 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The Supreme Court’s decision in NYSRPA v. Bruen is dangerous and deadly.

The unfairly nominated, blatantly partisan justices put the Second Amendment over our lives.

The blood of the American people who die from needless gun violence will be on their corrupt hands. This ruling is not about responsible gun ownership, it’s about universal gun ownership. It enriches the gun lobby that paid to confirm conservative justices.

This is blatant corruption.
Jun 11, 2022 73 tweets 17 min read
In every corner of this country, our movement is demanding that no more lives are lost to gun violence. #MarchForOurLives

Find us in ⬇️ 📍Lincoln, Nebraska
Mar 24, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
It’s been 3 years since the March For Our Lives. Today, we planned on posting a different message, one of celebration and gratitude, but 9 mass shootings in the past 7 days are painful reminders that we don’t have the luxury to celebrate progress. (thread) Our country is in a constant cycle of violence and apathy, and it’s hard to watch more communities grieve when all we wanted 3 years ago, and all we want today, is for people to live free from gun violence.
Mar 22, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
A people-powered movement needs mutual aid! 👏

March For Our Lives is on a journey to truly support and center the communities most impacted by gun violence.

Shifting resources through mutual aid is one way of doing that. aid and alliance from March... BIPOC communities have been affected by gun violence the most and have organized to fight it the longest. But they have not received equal resources or national support. We can’t end the epidemic of gun violence if these communities are left behind.
Feb 4, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Happy #BlackHistoryMonth! While people like Marjorie Taylor Greene fail their constituents, we’re reminded of the real folks doing real work in GA communities to make a change.

Check out this thread for some Black-led, GA organizations to follow and support! SONG (@ignitekindred) envisions a sustainable South that embodies the best of its freedom traditions and works towards the transformation of our economic, social, spiritual, and political relationships.…
Sep 26, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
So, it's official. Trump has nominated Amy Coney Barrett to fill the open Supreme Court seat.

Here's a run down on #AmyConeyBarrett from our youth-led Judicial Advocacy Team. Her beliefs harken back to an era:
- before civil rights
- before women's equality and right to choose
- before our country granted entry to people from all countries and cultures

Her confirmation would undo enormous strides we've made over the past several decades.
Sep 26, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
“The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.”
-@senatemajldr Mitch McConnell, 2016

WE CALL BS on your hypocrisy Mitch. #LetThePeopleDecide 2016: @tedcruz: “It has been 80 years since a Supreme Court vacancy was nominated and confirmed in an election year. There is a long tradition that you don’t do this in an election year.”
Sep 23, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Sep 22, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
La semana pasada en Phoenix, Arizona, nuestros organizadores trabajaron con el artista Daniel González para crear piezas de papel picado en toda la ciudad, incluso frente a la sede de Arizona ICE.

También recordamos los constantes ataques de ICE contra los más vulnerables a... ...través de los hallazgos de un denunciante.

March For Our Lives se compromete a involucrar a los jóvenes en los temas que nos importan, y uno de estos temas es la inmigración y el tratamiento de las personas sin estatus. ImageImage
Sep 22, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Last week in Phoenix, Arizona, our organizers worked with artist Daniel González to create papel picado pieces across the city, including in front Arizona ICE HQ.

We were also reminded of ICE’s consistent attacks on the most vulnerable through a whistleblower’s findings. March For Our Lives is committed to engaging youth on the issues that matter to us, and one of these issues is immigration and the treatment of those without status.

ICE is a violent organization and only creates conditions of instability in communities. F*CK ICE is written with a ...These Hands Pick Your Food ...
Sep 10, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
CW: Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. That’s what we’ll be talking about in this thread, and if for whatever reason you can’t read it today, we understand 🧡

These important words are from our Mid-Atlantic Regional Organizing Director, @elenamarieperez. 1 in 4 young people are experiencing suicidal thoughts, I was one of them. Starting as early as seventh grade, I had to leave school for several months at a time due to suicidal ideations. For most of my life, I’ve fought against the stigma around mental illness.
Sep 8, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
TW: Suicide

This week is suicide awareness week. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US, with firearms accounting for 50.57% of them. Access to a gun triples the risk of suicide death. About 2/3 of gun deaths are self inflicted and states with weak gun laws tend to have significantly higher suicide rates. In many cases, suicide attempts are impulsive responses to acute crises. 90% of people who survive suicide attempts do not go on to die by suicide.
Aug 26, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
In solidarity with protestors in Kenosha WI.

Rather than stop a domestic terrorist wielding an AR-15, law enforcement once again looked the other way when the gunman is a white male. Doing nothing to prevent this act of terrorism demonstrates police complicity in violence (1/5) Instead of arresting and charging the officers who shot a Black man in the back 7 times—the reason for the protests—Kenosha is calling for more national guardsmen and federal police who will inflict further violence on Wisconsinites to protect business and property (2/5)
Aug 24, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
The police continue to demonstrate that they are unwilling to protect the community without shooting Black people. Even when de-escalating violence, Black people are targeted by officers with guns because the culture of policing in America is rooted in anti-Blackness and... (1/6) the dehumanization of Black people. Jacob Blake was leading a community intervention—a non-violent response to conflict—yet the police chose to inflict violence in an everyday situation rather than treating Jacob Blake like the mediator and peacekeeper that he is. (2/6)
Aug 6, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
HISTORIC NEWS: @NewYorkStateAG files a MAJOR legal action to DISSOLVE THE NRA. 1/? When we organized the March For Our Lives, the political establishment said our demand to dismantle the NRA was too bold. That our simple plea for elected officials to value our lives over blood-stained dollars from the NRA was somehow too radical.

Aug 1, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
.@HouseDemocrats just passed six appropriations bills that included many MFOL priorities! If approved by the Senate and signed by POTUS we'd be a few steps closer to ending gun violence! Let's break down the positives and a few places we wish the bills went further.

🧵1/6 Thanks to congressional champions like @RepRobinKelly and @rosadelauro, and the grassroots advocacy of MFOL youth and survivors, the House approved 25 MILLION for the CDC & NIH each to research gun violence.

Jul 16, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Our statement on the @NRA's endorsement of Impeached President Donald Trump

Thread, 1/4 Image The failing National Rifle Association chose to endorse a candidate for president who mirrors everything the NRA is about: profit over people, violence over peace, and death over life.
Jul 14, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Stop censoring us. Understand that anger drives change. History has shown that without anger no one will listen.

🧵Thread on Tone Policing and it's effects on organizers, particularly BIPOC Stop Censoring Us Tone Poli... Tone policing is a tactic used by someone in order to prevent a marginalized individual from telling their story of oppression. It turns away the message by focusing on the emotional state of the oppressed individual as opposed to the actual message itself.
Jul 12, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
*CW* sexual assault:

Recently, March For Our Lives has witnessed multiple people in the gun violence prevention space come forward with survivor stories. First and foremost, to every survivor who has come forward: You are brave, valid, and loved. March For Our Lives unequivocally supports you and we commit to removing abusers from our platforms.
Jul 1, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Racist and discriminatory voter suppression is rampant, and it’s no accident that the communities most affected by gun violence— namely Black and Latinx communities— face the greatest barriers to the ballot box. That’s why we’ve teamed up with @bradybuzz to ensure everyone can fairly participate in democracy. #VotingAccessSavesLives…