APA Zimbabwe Profile picture
The Alliance for the People' Agenda is a movement aiming to form the new Government of 🇿🇼 in 2023. To restore us to a place of honour among the nations.
Aug 6, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
#ALifeOfSacrifice Since Independence, Zimbabwean parents have worked hard to invest in the education of their children. Some opened accounts with the likes of Beverly Building Society for years only to see value wiped away in a matter of days by Zanu's collapse of the economy #ALifeOfSacrifice Those who managed to make it & graduate, could not find any jobs because ZanuPF's ruinous policies destroyed the economy. Families were forced to sacrifice quality family time & send their children off overseas. But first they had to sacrifice to find airfares
Aug 5, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
ZanuPF & the government's obsession with NGOs & their insistence on demanding work plans is yet an example of the systematic siege mentality within their ranks. Anyone who demands accountability is an enemy of the state, serves communities is treated with suspicion. Fear abounds. Government that rules with an iron fist because it is afraid of it's own shadows. It is a sick situation with regime defenders openly & shamelessly back repression because they make a living off the backs of the people's misery #FixTheFoundation
Jan 13, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
#FixTheFoundation The world is fascinated by what is happening in the US because it is a superpower & because it regularly positions itself asi "leader of the free world". It is a test moment for American democracy. The democrats are moving to impeach Donald Trump for sedition This is not about politics as some very conservative Republicans, like Liz Cheney, have indicated they will vote to impeach. The point being made is you cannot upend the constitutional order & hope to get away with it. There are dangers for the country & principles must stand
Sep 23, 2020 4 tweets 6 min read
🇿🇼Yesterday during the #ZimEduChat, you asked how we'd #FixOurSchools. Here's a thread 🧵 on what could happen to the #StateOfOurSchools if you #VoteAPA. #APAWayWednesdays #Zimbabwe 1/ 5 #ZimEduChat An APA government will publish minimum norms and standards for all Primary & Secondary education infrastructure.📏📐 #APAWayWednesdays #ZimEduChat #FixOurSchools #Zimbabwe
Sep 9, 2020 8 tweets 5 min read
If you have ever wondered what our take is on Land Reform in #Zimbabwe, here's a thread. #AWWImage APA Zimbabwe totally supports Land Reform! Our people went to war for independence and for the return of OUR land. #AWW#Zimbabwe
Aug 25, 2020 11 tweets 5 min read
"#PressStatement📢 on the State's unjust treatment of Hopewell Chin’ono & Jacob Ngarivhume"
- APA Secretary General @AlbertGumbo

👇🏾A Thread

#Zimbabwe 1. The Alliance for People’s Agenda is deeply concerned by the manner in which Hopewell Chin’ono and Jacob Ngarivhume are being unjustly treated by the government. We note particularly how justice is being denied and delayed in their court cases.
Aug 17, 2020 21 tweets 7 min read
#ICYMI: APA Statement on Government of #Zimbabwe response to pastoral letter
Highlights Thread 📰 APA is taken aback, but not surprised, at the reaction of the Government of Zimbabwe to the pastoral letter issued by the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops’ Conference on the current situation in Zimbabwe.
Jun 9, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Martin Luther King: "Not only do we have a right to be free, we have a duty to be free. So when you sit down on a bus, when you sit down in the front, or you side down by a white person, you are sitting down because you have a duty to sit down not merely because you have a right" Similarly, Zimbabwe, you have a duty to hold political parties to account. You have the right to support them but a duty to question conduct that is unbecoming. You have the right to elect a government, but a duty to demand excellent performance. Insist on it. #FixTheFoundation
Jun 7, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
The real pandemic in Zimbabwe is toxic politics of power struggles whose only result is to delay societal progress since independence. In their lust for retaining power, toxic politicians delay meritorious appointments to office, in the process holding up economic development. Thus Mugabe kept the Malungas, Zvogbos & Ushewokunzes from ascending, played games with VPs with never an eye on the economy. The masses were entertained by political gossip instead of being alert to the rogue driving leading us to the abyss. Our country started to slowly decay
Jun 6, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
@263Chat @kubatana @ercafrica @MagambaNetwork The saying goes, "there's no shortcut to any place worth going". Leaders who take unconstitutional shortcuts to power bring grief on their own house, with enemies they could do without. Some ride in armed motorcades, never at peace Others constantly look over their shoulders, never at peace either. There's wisdom in following process. There are no announcements in democracy. That would be a continuation of the past. There's purity in truth, the straight & narrow road is longer but has more value & duration
May 20, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Sad how different political parties trade barbs at each other depending on which of them has abused women. Inconsistent, hypocritical & partisan based values. This is why many are willing to flout constitutions when they lust for power. Values are incidental rather than timeless. Then there's this tendency to attack one gender because a member of their gender has been abused. Human rights abuses are what they are. They do not have to be condemned any more or less because one is a mother, sister or female minister. Selective rage turns to cyber bullying.
May 15, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
A week in to lockdown, some Harare policemen were filmed enthusiastically beating a woman for being outdoors. A couple of weeks after that, we saw photographs of more women, this time in Bulawayo, brutalised by police. Now we have 3 MDC female officials who have been tortured. The beatings are crude, cruel and a weapon of fear & intimidation. The viciousness with which members of police force gleefully undertake these actions is puzzling. Do they not have mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers & children too? The sad thing about this whole thing though...
Apr 24, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
@263Chat We are a broken society, beaten in to submission in to normalising unconstitutional practices. One of the manifestations of our broken society is the patronage of food distribution. Our people have learnt to expect food from candidates in return for votes. Tragic. A common question is "What have you done for us?" That is precisely what governments are there to do using money from taxes that every working pays and donations that are paid for by tax payers of other countries. Our people must break from this mindset. It keeps you in bondage.
Apr 3, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
Newsday reports that "The Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Con-ference says Zimbabwe has lost an opportunity in the past 40 years to redefine its his-tory, foster national healing & to end corruption, international isolation & to save the collapse of the country’s infrastructure." Why? At Independence, we had a highly educated cabinet that compared favorably, man for man, with the best in the world. Yet, the majority of them did not have the courage of their liberation convictions to stand up to Ghukurahundi atrocities. Core values matter.
Mar 30, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
How prepared is our government for emergencies? How much does it invest in Research and Development versus rigging elections, hiring private jets, buying tear gas and water cannons? How many government officials think like Oppah Muchinguri? Where is our brains trust? Image We knew about cyclones but our Minister of Defense says they saw the warnings but did not take them seriously. Her very public reaction to COVID 19 was scandalous. Our President announced a shutdown and had a rally the next day. We know about drought but we lack in food reserves Image
Mar 28, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
APA supports the 21 day lockdown as a necessary measure to try and contain the spread of coronavirus. This is a time for all to follow evidence based advice on COVID 19. We call upon on all Zimbabweans not to travel away from their usual city, town or village of residence. Travelling increases the risk of spread through increased and widened contact. Given our inadequate health systems, contact tracing will be extremely difficult. There is nothing to be gained by flouting the rules put in place.
Mar 15, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Orpah Muchinguri who said they knew about Cyclone Idai warnings but did not take them seriously, now says God is punishing the US with Coronavirus for sanctions. Who would vote for such people? A government that does not understand science & spouts nonsense! Can you trust such a government with climate change & water resilience remedies when they ascribe events to biblical punishment? How will they provide solutions? And who are the applauding members of the audience? What manner of self abuse is this? Y
Mar 2, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
We can spend time debating one symptom of ZanuPF misrule after another. We need to stop wallowing in our misery and focus our energies on one goal: elect a government that is not motivated by power but a development agenda for Zimbabwe and the continent. APA is that political party. Potential candidates who want to stand with us must understand & accept that our agenda is a leadership based on core values & competence, in that particular order. If you're willing to be selfless & put your country first, you should be talking to us
Dec 17, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
@ercafrica The lesson is unconstitutional transfer of power puts us on the slippery slope to anarchy. Admittedly, we have a de facto government. How do we step back to the right track instead of descending further? We must #FixTheFoundation What does this mean? 1. Parties in parliament must do their work on political & electoral reform.
2. Government must embark on a national cohesion project based on the rule of law & common values
3. Citizens must make holding leaders to account a natural & daily habit based on constitutional values
Nov 20, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
When we say the regime is brutal, appeasers come on to our timeline to deflect. Brutality has no party colour, they do it to others and among themselves as we have seen since independence. Tragically, other appeasers yearn for a G40 return. All fighting to be part of the system We refuse to learn, wilfully ignoring history. APA refuses to compromise on its core values. If Zimabweans want sustainable change & prosperity, they must stop looking away, stop aiding & abetting unconstitutional behaviour within parties & national government. #FixTheFoundation
Nov 6, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
@263Chat @kubatana #HowZimbabweFails
1. Impunity: authorities get away with murder & corruption
2. Appeasement: influencers make excuses for the predatory elites
3. Apathy: Citizens no longer care
4. Societal decay: Most people want to join the system
5. Point of no return #RehabilitateZimbabwe
1. Do not accept poverty. It is not normal
2. Call out: the predators. Stand your ground.
3. Take on: the appeasers. This country belongs to us all.
4. Encourage: family & friends to embrace possibility of change.
5. Activism: organise for a new beginning