Adam Corcoran Profile picture
I listen to punk music, ride motorbikes, love other humans and get political. I also help people design better things that create better outcomes for everyone.
Jul 12, 2022 18 tweets 9 min read
At @Portable, I’m one of our resident tools nerds and #productivity geeks. As someone with #ADHD (inattentive type), this is a crucial thing to be. I thought I’d share a recent path of discovery I’ve been on, including the tools I’m using and the calibration I’ve been working on. It’s worth starting with context. I’m a manager in an agency. My time needs to be tracked. I have a lot of tasks flying at me. Prioritisation the most important things and making time for them are critical. And it needs to be easy to do, and relatively automated where possible.
Jul 12, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
‘We live (and die) inside of systems that were imagined centuries ago by those ambitious and narrow minds of colonists and patriarchs. We live inside the lineage of relatively ignorant imaginations, which were obsessed with protection and domination.’ – @adriennemaree ‘But we know so much more now. We know each other’s pain and complexity now; we know we are one interconnected ecosystem—so far the only planetary development specifically like us.’ – @adriennemaree