Katy Faust Profile picture
Founder @ThemBeforeUs. Defending kids @FDRLST @Newsweek @USAtoday @DCExaminer. Children have a right to their mother & father- order your lives accordingly.
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Mar 3 6 tweets 2 min read
Pitching their sob story to a variety of outlets. Beware when stories frame adults who do not get what they want as victims. As always the *children* are the true victims. A few things to note here: 🧵 nypost.com/2025/03/02/wor… The UK allows altruistic surrogacy, which means women can be reimbursed (often significantly) for "pregnancy expenses" and yet, no woman wanted to be their surrogate… Red flag anyone? So they hired a surrogate abroad. Unlike adoption, there's no screening/background checks.
Feb 2 6 tweets 2 min read
Justice for children demands #GayMarriage be overturned.

Here's why 🧵 Everywhere gay marriage goes, children's rights to their bio parents are weakened/obliterated. No country has legalized SS marriage AND strengthened children's relationship to their mother & father. Child rights & gay marriage are incompatible. thembeforeus.com/marriage-marri…
Jan 11, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Natural reproduction sets limits on the age of motherhood. That benefits children who are more likely to have parental support through their young adulthood, and less likely to care for disabled/geriatric parents.

Surrogacy awards infants to grandparent-aged adults. And don't forget these guys! That baby has zero genetic connection to these two old men. But when it comes to #Surrogacy, $$ is all you need.
Aug 24, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I bristle slightly (ok, I bristle a lot) when conversations about fighting the #RespectForMarriageAct revolve around #religiousliberty issues. Why? Because what both our foes and our allies hear from religious Americans is, “If gay marriage passes, it will be bad for *me.*” To which the world responds, “So the prob w gay marriage is, you might have to...bake a cake?? Deal with it, bigot.”

No one's interested in fighting SS marriage (or the myriad other ways the Left is redefining family) if it’s just about minimizing discomfort of religious adults.
Sep 4, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
The lives of these children are precious. But make no mistake, in their quest to “become parents”Buttigieg & Chasten have violated the rights of these two children. They have denied these twins not just one mother, but three. 1/4 These babies have been forced to lose their genetic mother, the egg “donor.” Thus these kids (like many other donor children) may experience identity struggles. They will likely seek her out to discover their medical history and behold the woman who reflects their features. 2/4
Sep 27, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
My high schooler is explaining her support for #traditionalmarriage to a friend and we drafted a child-centric outline for her case. Here’s it is: 1. Children have a natural right to their mother/father. Adults care which baby they leave the hospital with- they don’t want just any baby. They want *their* baby because biology matters to parents. It matter to kids too.
Jul 4, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Back when I was a mother of two, I met a Chinese couple newly arrived on our shores. They spoke little English so despite the fact that she had formally been an accountant and he in tech, their US employment was that of a seamstress and a deli worker at the local grocery store. They rented a 1 bedrm apartment which they shared w their teenage son they brought over a couple years after their arrival. Both worked as many hours as possible, often 60 or 70 hrs/week. They owned a few pairs of pants & shoes, some mismatch dishes & 2 bikes for transportation.
Jun 17, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
A recommendation for my Christian followers.

When talking w a friend expressing personal pain over the situation in America today- perhaps a black friend who has been followed around in a department store by security, regularly pulled over because they were profiled, 1 or grew up in a neighborhood segregated not by government edict but fatherless-induced poverty, that’s not the time to whip out the fact that only nine unarmed black men were killed by police last year. They don’t need to debate the merits or drawbacks of qualified immunity. 2
Jun 13, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
The problem I & other conservatives are wrestling with

The BLM *org* has taken something conservatives care deeply about, the intrinsic value of all humans (esp those who suffer injustice) and used it to frost a cake baked with the most pernicious ideas humanity has ever known. BLM is unabashedly Marxist. Marxism, which divides a population by groups, usually race or class, is responsible for every mass human evil that we have seen throughout history and especially in the 20th century. Whether it be your standard-issue genocide, ethnic cleansing...
Jun 10, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
It feels like we are in the midst of a virtual #CivilWar. Left vs right. Love #Trump vs hate Trump. Woke vs un-woke.

We drink from two completely different news sources, and increasingly surround ourselves only with allies, making it easy to view the “other side” as the enemy. 1 Families are fractured when ideological fault lines are exposed.

Friendships end after sharing voting records.

Disagreements tend to be virtual, explosive and via anonymous avatars.

There seems to be no forum or institution where the two sides come together in peace. 2
May 31, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
I just spent 30 horrible minutes on Twitter watching looting and rioting across the nation. A business owner being beat to a pulp by “protesters” for trying to defend his business. A little girl screaming as people wash pepper spray from her eyes. 1/6 Atlanta’s mayor begging for businesses, most minority owned, not to be destroyed juxtaposed with images of looting. A police woman on the ground being dragged away by rioters so they can do God knows what to her. Reporters fleeing in fear from mobbing protesters. 2/6
Mar 20, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
What these 9 surrogacy attempts have cost children:

First, some embryos do not survive the thawing process after being cryogenically frozen. In what must now be several batches of frozen children, many were lost before they even made it to the womb. 1/5
canoe.com/entertainment/… Out of each batch that does survive, Bass and his husband selected the most viable embryos to transfer. Those deemed less viable were likely discarded. 2/5
Feb 2, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
What are you up to, tonight, Katy? Nothing much, just attending the @WomensLibFront event, shrouded by police b/c of protesters & bomb threat- because these rad fems have the audacity to say “men can’t become women.” #Newmisogyny Several disruptive protesters, shouting, w bull horns, already removed by police.
Jan 16, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
It’s not *discriminatory* to say children should have a mother & father whenever possible.

“HB 836 prevents the state from denying an adoption agency a license/refusing grant money to an agency b/c they deny homes to children for discriminatory reasons.” lgbtqnation.com/2020/01/tennes… thembeforeus.com/position-state…