Ahmed Abofoul | أحمد أبو فول Profile picture
International Lawyer, Legal Advisor @alhaq_org. RT/♡≠(necessarily) endorsement.
2 subscribers
May 31, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
🚨This is so low even for the #genocide enabler @StateDept/@SecBlinken. Morally corrupt and repugnant!

They falsified a report, against the consensus of their own experts, absolving Israel from responsibility for blocking aid from reaching #Gaza. 1/5🧵

theguardian.com/world/article/… From day one of #GazaGenocide‌, the US @JoeBiden admin has been actively lying, distorting int'l law, manoeuvring & buying time for Israel (incl. by vetoing & toning down Security Council resolutions) & now falsifying reports in service of Israel's aparthied genocidal regime. 2/5
Dec 3, 2023 23 tweets 7 min read
This @IntlCrimCourt Prosecutor @KarimKhanQC imbalanced statement makes it impossible to find any reasonable justification for his alarming approach.

This is outrageous & reveals a distorted understanding of the Rome Statute's basic principles.

The ICC is being domesticated. A🧵 1. It doesn't read like a statement of a prosecutor of a court of law but like those statements of states, in particular those of Israel's Western allies.

@KarimKhanQC is the Prosecutor of the world's Permanent International Criminal Court, not a Court of the West & its allies!
Oct 12, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
🚨So @IsraelMFA is saying:
"These aren’t “freedom fighters”. They are Hamas terrorists, but no different than ISIS terrorists."

So who do they refer to, those burned or those who burned/targeted them?

This deceptive and misleading formulation is intentional.

A thread 🧵 Judging by the reactions to this tweet, people seem to believe that Palestinian fighters did this to Israelis.

Yet, it seems that this car was targeted from above, and the bomb entered from the roof.

Who has an Air Force (including drones) capable of that? Image
Jul 27, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
🚨Really shocked by int'l law colleagues passionately sharing this as great news about the US potentially supporting the ICC investigation in Ukraine, while the very same bill pledges that no US aid should be made to the Palestinians if they seek to advance ICC investigation🧵1/7 https://t.co/WoxIemZGvF
Image The same goes for media outlets reporting on this in relation to Ukraine only & portraying it as a positive and commendable.

It is not, it reaffirms the US double standard & selectivity in supporting int'l justice efforts. 2/7

Read the gov funding bill:
Nov 28, 2022 11 tweets 11 min read
🚨1. Powerful open letters, ahead of the #ASP21, sent by 198 Palestinain, regional and international civil society organisations to the @IntlCrimCourt's Prosecutor @KarimKhanQC and the #ICC Assembly of States Parties President, @PASPFernandez🧵

alhaq.org/advocacy/20906… ImageImage 2. Both letters called on them to condemn Israel's brazen designations of the 6 renowned Palestinian civil society organisations as "terrorists" and its raids of their offices which amounts to “tampering with or interfering with the collection of evidence.”

#StandWithThe6 Image
Nov 22, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
"We, members of Palestinian civil society and the Palestinian people, don't respect Israeli military orders, will not abide by them, & we will continue with our struggle toward dignity, freedom & self-determination"
- @SJabaren, General Director @alhaq_org
thenation.com/article/world/… "[These raids, closures, and threats of imprisonment] are the result of the one year of inaction by the international community, which has not challenged Israel enough to rescind the designations."
- @SJabaren, General Director @alhaq_org
Apr 27, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
🚨 BREAKING: UN experts say Israel’s housing policies in occupied Palestinian territory, including in East Jerusalem, amount to racial segregation.


ohchr.org/en/press-relea… Similarly, on 30 March 2022, The Human Rights Committee expressed its deep concerns about Israel's discriminatory laws, policies & practices, including structural discrimination & racial segregation.

Apr 26, 2022 25 tweets 6 min read
🚨 BREAKING: Apartheid and de facto annexation in practice

1. Israel changes its policy of entry and residence of foreigners into the West Bank to further complicates entry restrictions. Even among foreign nationality holders, Israel racially discriminates against Palestinians🧵 2. The new 97- page ordinance entitled: "Procedure for Entry and Residence for Foreigners in Judea and Samaria Area" replaces the current 4-page Ordinance No. 202, entitled: "Policy of Entry of Foreigners into the West Bank Territories", and will become effective on 22 May 2022.
Mar 30, 2022 21 tweets 9 min read
🚨 BREAKING: The Human Rights Committee issues its concluding observation on Israel's 5th periodic report, expressing its deep concerns about Israel's discriminatory laws, policies & practices, including structural discrimination & racial segregation, i.e., APARTHIED.

THREAD 🧵 https://tbinternet.ohchr.or... 1. Although the Committee didn't explicitly mention Aparthied, everything in its report did. For example, it reiterated the 2020 recommendations of the Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination. I will provide some highlights here but make sure to read the 11-page doc. https://documents-dds-ny.un...