Did a fine morning routine today until manhoos Twitter told me the News18 'fresher journalist' who'd plagiarized my freelance report for VICE in 2018 now holds the BBC job i'd applied to and got regret letter from in March. Don't ask me why i'm agnostic. Sure, maybe i could...+
learn to write better job applications but while during these freelance years i've struggled guessing where my next Rs to buy freedom will come from, she's been consistently employed on payrolls: at Scroll & News18 before BBC & it says something rotten about this industry 🤡
Jun 23, 2020 • 10 tweets • 6 min read
I reported this: 1 month, 3 #Punjabi pop #singers harassed by #Hindutva workers for condemning caste, religion. Punjab's Dalit population at 32% is 2x national average. Researching a film in 2016, I learnt of ongoing wave of Punjabi Dalit-pop @TheSwaddle theswaddle.com/hindutva-extre…
These singers assert their caste by naming it in songs as pride-filled identity: subverting the abusive connotations dominant castes (DCs) had stuck on #Dalit caste names. Rajni Thakkarwal survived DC men’s attempt on her life while she was singing #ChamaarPop.