Alex Engler Profile picture
Assistant Director for AI Policy @WHOSTP | Predict not the car but the traffic jam | Alum: @BrookingsGov @urbaninstitute | Taught: @UChicagoCAPP @McCourtSchool
Jul 30, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
So, TIL that an Al***** Engler ran a red light in Chattanooga, TN in summer 2019, then failed to appear in court.

I've never been to Chattanooga. That day, I was in Vietnam.

But guess whose driver's license is suspended in Chicago, leading @dcdmv to refuse to me a new license? Turned out to be @ILSecOfState's fault. They removed the suspension in their system (updates overnight), which informs the national record system (72 hours to update)

They refused to offer confirmation in writing. You also can't check the database yourself. Great experience.
Oct 28, 2019 22 tweets 58 min read
The @StanfordHAI (Human-centered #AI) Conference on #AiEthics, Policy, & Governance is getting started, live stream below. Speaker list is fantastic. Will be tweeting.

#machinelearning #data4good @StanfordHAI "Silicon Valley, we have a problem" opens @erikbryn

Speaks to the 'great decoupling' - where productivity and GDP expand with technology, but don't take household incomes with them.

Part of the problem is lower-paid occupations have more automate-able tasks.