Alex Saunders πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬ Profile picture
CEO & Founder: @NuggetsNewsAU Pharmacist ➑️ Investor post GFCπŸ“‰ Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crypto, Finance & Economics education since 2012 Join:
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Dec 10, 2020 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 4 min read
1/ A few weeks back $BTC was $11k & I made a video called "You won't believe what happens next - The Path To $100k".
I outlined why the failure to close below $10k in Sept was unbelievably bullish & a sign of institutions buying. 2/ Two weeks back $BTC was $18k & I made a video called "It's different this time" talking about the lack of pullbacks & smooth upwards price action as a sign of algorithmic trading by institutions using bots & dollar cost averaging into positions, this meant $20k was in sight.
Sep 2, 2020 β€’ 15 tweets β€’ 7 min read
1/ Ethereum Scaling Clearly Explained Mega Thread
I love @VitalikButerin's break down, but I think a lot of what he or any dev for that matter says, goes over most people's head. So here's my take of what's happening in the @ethereum ecosystem to scale & reduce high fees... 2/ As most of you know I like to tell it how it is. So while I remain a massive $ETH bull, I am also a $BTC centrist as @ErikVoorhees puts it. That said, Ethereum is now Bitcoin's best chance at scaling, as much as the Maxis hate to admit it. Every day that goes by without the
Aug 31, 2020 β€’ 15 tweets β€’ 3 min read
1/ $YFI Hysteria Clearly Explained Mega Thread
If you don't understand YFI then I'd encourage you to read this thread & our July 5FA research report which I'll link below. It's actually very easy to understand, so here it goes! 2/ Most beginners hear about staking, yield farming, rewards & these highs APY (Annual % Yield) & think to themselves "this is all too hard". In reality if you take the time to learn how to send tokens from one address to another, you're 90% of the way there!
Apr 10, 2020 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 2 min read
1/ Recently I've seen lots of questions about bank runs, cash withdrawals, bail ins & gold/silver confiscation. It's clear people are worried & rightfully so. It's something I've been warning about since the last GFC. By February it was clear market fundamentals had detached 2/ from reality & a correction was coming. I did several videos on how to prepare for what lies ahead, including a video on the best way to become your own bank.
You want to be able to hold USD, DAI, Gold, Silver, Bitcoin & stable coins. All of these assets can be held in
Mar 18, 2020 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 3 min read
1/ I wanted to share this morning's member update with you all as it's probably the most important concept to understand in the world right now.
2/ This thread from @RaoulGMI is monumental. Please read the whole thing when you get a chance, but I'll summarise the core concepts for you here. You must understand these to appreciate what we are now on the precipice of, a global US dollar shortage.
Mar 2, 2020 β€’ 18 tweets β€’ 4 min read
Seeing as my two passions are health care & investing, here's some thoughts on the Coronavirus & how it may affect Australia. Keep in mind there's some wild theories going around, so I will endeavour to put my pharmacist coat on & keep it factual. 2/18
Coronaviruses are nothing new, they've been around causing colds & flus along with Influenza & Rhinoviruses for decades.
So it's no worse than the flu? Yes & No. The signs & symptoms are fairly similar to the flu. Most people who have the flu feel fairly terrible for a few
Jan 7, 2019 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Australian Economy Thread #ausbiz #auspol #housing #business
As we have be warning about for a while now house prices are falling at the fastest rate in 35 years. But so far the knock on effects for the economy aren't noticeable. Many regions are still experiencing strong... 1/6 growth such as Tassie as we shared last week. The bank restrictions on interest only & investment lending have been reversed in an attempt to re-inflate markets. Bank lending standards led to a Royal Commission so many are unhappy that regulators are telling banks to lend... 2/6