Ally Garber Profile picture
“Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” - Dolly Parton #communicator, #runner, #sober, #autism and #mentalhealth advocate. She/Her.
Apr 2, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Happy #worldautismday to our incredible Hugh (with @cyn_carroll from @AutismNS ). I recall driving home from the IWK after you received your Autism diagnosis with so many thoughts running through my head, the most pronounced was, “what is life going to be like for him?” 🧵 Image The answer was, and is, and forever will be whatever Hugh makes of it. As parents we often craft a narrative of what we believe our children’s roadmap should look like, and the first gift Autism gave us was to free us of the idea that we had any right to pre-determine a path.
Jul 9, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
When you, or someone you love, is disabled, you learn quickly the difference between performative and tangible inclusion. Inclusion isn’t a favour you grant, nor is it selective based on a funding model. Inclusion is when you open your doors to all without exception. We aren’t there yet. We are so far from there.

And seeing this play out if you, or someone you love, is disabled, is utterly demoralizing.
Jun 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Every year the city of Halifax raises a flag to celebrate Autism Acceptance Month, and every year the city of Halifax places discriminatory limitations on Autistic kids looking to access summer camp programs.

The message? “We accept you in premise, just not in practice.” When we expressed our displeasure, it was suggested a “parent committee” be formed. Guys? I’m so tired. We need to form a parent committee to convince you to do the right thing for kids with disabilities? In 2022?
May 24, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Explaining lifting of mask mandate to my 12yo literal thinker.
12yo: Is COVID over?
Me: No
12yo: Are less people getting sick?
Me: No
12yo: Are less people dying?
Me: No
12yo: Weren’t we supposed to wear masks to protect vulnerable people?
Me: Yes
12yo: I don’t understand. He is Autistic, so trying to process this is a struggle to say the least. He understands that wearing a mask not only protects himself, but other people. And he wants other people to be protected. For him, it’s a simple measure we can take.
Apr 14, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
There is so much more work to be done when it comes to supporting Autistic people in Nova Scotia - but I’m happy to see this announcement today, and I hope there is more to come. 🧵 I believe that we need a provincial autism strategy in order to make sure that investments made intuitively support Autistic people throughout their lives. The critics of today’s announcement are correct, Autism doesn’t end when you turn 18.
Apr 6, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I find it both really funny and also terribly depressing that everyone on this bird app believe wholeheartedly that advice from an organization’s communications experts is adhered to and followed without exception.

Guys, literally no. The reality is many leaders in senior positions automatically assume they innately know all about marketing and public relations. It’s the Achilles heel of our profession. I mean, I like stars but I’m not claiming a cubicle at NASA.
Dec 28, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
There are unquestionable downsides to kids returning to school.
There are unquestionable downsides to kids remaining at home.
There are passionate proponents and adversaries of both positions.
Wherever you stand, know that your reality may not reflect another family’s. #nspoli There are families who have had to keep their child out of school for two years because of pre-existing conditions that would make catching COVID a potentially fatal event. That’s their reality. They are tired, and frustrated and scared.
Nov 26, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
On its face, this is welcome news. But you'll have to forgive families for being skeptical and wary. These new EPAs supports must come with an adequate investment in training and professional development. #nspoli (🧵obviously) We also need full-time math and literacy intervention teachers - current resources don't come close to providing the help that is needed.
Nov 24, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
The Facebook comments for the NS COVID briefing take you on quite a journey, eh? Tania is helpfully sharing her absolutely BS take that the vaccine will cause Autism.
Nov 20, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
My son loves to info-dump, which is a beautiful Autistic trait. On our walks, he talks all things Minecraft and I listen. Without fail, he’ll check in on my interest - today imploring me to pursue the goal of running a full marathon, “We can’t hide from our dreams forever, Mom.” So much of the therapeutic advice for Autistic people - particularly targeted towards younger Autistics, is to make them to conform to our weird normal. And our normal is weird. Small talk is super weird.
Nov 15, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
One of the most devastatingly exhausting things about OCD is how it relentlessly reinvents itself. You work through overcoming one compulsion and another obsessive thought emerges willing you to act. Tonight it was rereading the full page of my 8yo’s story if I messed up a word. I’m proud of my growth and especially my recovery, but the reality is that it’s a daily struggle. These thoughts that constantly fire at you from all cylinders telling you “something bad will happen” if you don’t start the page from the beginning or move a certain item etc etc…
Sep 1, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
About six years ago, a parent of an older Autistic person approached me, she said, “your advocacy is great, but don’t burn yourself out, it’s been decades of passing the torch”. Admittedly, I brushed it off, this time will be different. I was wrong. 🧵 #nspoli Over three years has passed since the Students First report on Inclusive Education was introduced. At the time it was launched, there was great hope things would finally be different. Students requiring accommodations would be prioritized. We were wrong.
Jul 14, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
NSLC will be appearing before public accounts this morning at the NS Leg. A few thoughts from your local sober "wet blanket". 🧵#nspoli I absolutely believe that the consumption of alcohol should be a personal choice. Leadership at the NSLC and government have a responsibility to make sure this personal choice is an informed personal choice. My question - are we fulfilling that obligation?
May 31, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Fairly certain that Nova Scotia Education Twitter will explode today post news conference no matter the decision on schools reopening or not reopening. We shouldn’t have definitively said schools will be closed for rest of the year. Teachers cleaned classrooms, students got jobs. Understandable a reverse would be upsetting.
May 20, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
So now that we know online learning will continue for duration of the year, what's the plan for students with complex needs? #nspoli… “Every student has different needs. Being truly inclusive is about understanding what those needs are then working to support each student to be successful."…
May 13, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
The messages could/should have been clearer. Yes. However, characterizing this as a "flip-flop" feels disingenuous. Strang has continually stated there should be informed, individual choice. As well as noting the difference in efficiency b/w the vaccine options. When offered the shipment of AZ in early March, Strang and Rankin were criticized heavily for taking a pragmatic approach and weighing the risks/benefits. Strang is on record at that point as saying there were unknowns and it was not wise to rush to a decision.
May 12, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
A few thoughts on #AstraZenaca and the pause that is now happening in NS. First, there are thousands of Nova Scotians who responsibly signed up and got this shot, and good for them. They did the right thing. Keep in mind that I’m March 2020, leading experts were saying vaccines were at least two years off. The global research community exceeded all expectations and had three vaccine options ready to go in just over a year (my timing may be off).
Jan 19, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
I have yet to hear a solid, convincing argument on why we shouldn’t do everything possible to make sure that disabled students retain the same EPA throughout the school year. That consistency can absolutely make or break their experience. Probably a thread. I appreciate that life happens and sometimes a change must take place, but in those cases a transition plan should be prioritized with the students unique needs centred.
Jan 29, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
I believe talking makes a difference. Talking has saved my life. So while I love seeing people share tweets/posts about raising mental health awareness and supporting those who are struggling, I have to be honest and say that words don't always cut it. #BellLetsTalk After I took part in #BellLetsTalk Primetime Special in 2018, I was overwhelmed with lovely messages from people calling me "brave", "strong" and sharing my story saying they were "proud to know me". It felt lovely to be seen after being so vulnerable.
Oct 29, 2019 12 tweets 4 min read
It will be six years next month that my son was diagnosed with #Autism. At that time, my knowledge of Autism was minimal and was based on fear. I can't go back in time and adjust my mentality, but maybe these words of "wisdom" will help a family currently in that situation. Your child is the exact same as they were pre-diagnosis. The only thing that has shifted is *your* expectations. We're all selfish as parents, and we visualize what we deem is a "perfect" life for our kids. But it is their life, not ours'. We're just here to be their guides.
Dec 23, 2018 6 tweets 1 min read
2018 was exceptionally hard. In many ways, crossing into 2019 after the last 12 months feels like accomplishing the most draining marathon. Months after appearing on national TV for #BellLetsTalk I experienced a major mental health crisis... Over the summer I received devastating news, and it had me spiral out of control, acting irrationally, lashing out and living through what I can only describe as what felt like a never ending panic attack. It was a nightmare and I was free falling with no bottom in sight...