Amelia Bloody Rose Profile picture
AKA BR McCoy. Writes SF/F. Job is yelling about space; linguistic yelling is free. #PitchWars 19 mentee. Pick a pronoun; idc. Avatar by @SmilingGrouch
Mar 22, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I think these complaining parents fascinate me so much because their chief issue seems to be that they don't really want to do the actual WORK. When you BUILD A HUMAN FROM SCRATCH, wouldn't you expect to have to help explain the world to them? Like, my brother is absolutely FASCINATED watching Burgie's mind and personality develop; he is a colossal nerd about his own kid and sends us frequent updates on developmental phases. He actively participates and answers questions as best he can when she asks
Mar 12, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
I've mentioned (many times!) Fred Clark's absolutely excellent takedown of the first Left Behind books before. One of the things that fascinates me about LB is its stark illustration that bigotry begets bad worldbuilding… Dr. Moraine here brings up a more recent example, and it's interesting to see how similar they are in the authors' complete refusal to consider the implications of the world they've created for themselves
Dec 5, 2018 20 tweets 4 min read
All right, gather 'round, all you #AmWriting clowns! Since she just got ANOTHER email with a writer/editor type misidentifying it, today Aunt Bloody Rose is gonna learn your ass what the hell the passive voice ACTUALLY IS! There is a lot of confusion. Don't worry; it's not your fault! It's all the fault of grammar lunatics Strunk & White and their stupid-ass Elements of Style, in which they say "avoid passive voice" and then give you a bunch of "examples," 75% of which do not contain passive voice
Dec 28, 2017 23 tweets 3 min read
One of the sneakiest awesome things #TheLastJedi did was actually make the midichlorians bullshit pay off.

PUT DOWN THOSE LASER PITCHFORKS AND HEAR ME OUT The midichlorians are an example of my overarching argument about The Prequels: that they contain a very nuanced story told very, very incompetently.