Disability, politics, popular culture. I'm a Baby Boom / Gen X hybrid. #CripTheVote. https://t.co/XmgXNNkvGF Contributor. He/him.
Jun 15, 2020 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Tons of other disabled people on Twitter have done a great job over the last few days calling out #Progressives and #Resistance people who play up Trump’s appearance of physical impairment or illness. It’s ableist. It hurts disabled people to hear it. #CripTheVote
What I’d like to add is that it’s also superficial and lazy. #CripTheVote
Sep 21, 2019 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Some thoughts on healthcare proposals and disabled voters …
I feel like a narrative may develop where a certain subset of disability activists could get a reputation for being categorically against Medicare For All proposals. 1/9
It’s true, we tend to have unusually detailed & specific technical questions about every healthcare proposal we run across. We kind of have to, because how these proposals would work or not work is a matter of life, death, and independence. 2/9