Arnaldo Rodriguez-Gonzalez Profile picture
Dynamicist, author, asker of questions. Assistant teaching professor at UB, Ph.D. in theoretical & applied mechanics from Cornell. 🇵🇷 He/him.
Nov 29, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
There's no simpler way to show that boundary value problems are much trickier than initial value problems than by analyzing the simple harmonic oscillator.

The following boundary value problem has no solution! #math Image The differential equation is as simple as it gets; linear, second-order, no strange coefficients on any terms. The boundary conditions are simple too.

So how on Earth could it be impossible to solve?
Feb 20, 2021 17 tweets 5 min read
I'm coming out of Twitter hibernation to post a microlesson on a confusing but fascinating topic:

What are some different types of infinities, and how do you tell which is which? #math First things first, let's define a (sort of) intuitive object to help us in our investigation; an infinite binary sequence.

This is just a sequence of 1's and 0's that's infinitely long.
Sep 11, 2020 14 tweets 6 min read
After some time in Twitter hibernation, I'm back with a microlesson on a topic I didn't have space to talk about in my book—sound!

Let's talk about what sound is, how it happens, and figure out how fast it is! #fluids #sound #physics First things first. How does sound happen?

The first ingredient is matter. Air, water, even solids can transmit sound; but you can't have sound without one of these mediums. That's why you can't make sound in space—there's barely anything there!
Aug 9, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
Here's a microlesson on a neat subject—random walks!

A chip, starting in position 1, randomly jumps to a reachable neighboring spot and keeps doing so. What's the average no. of jumps the chip will make before it gets to position 6? #math The key thing to figuring this out is realizing that where the chip goes next ONLY depends on the place it currently is.

Where it was before, in the previous jump or any before it, doesn't determine anything about where it goes next.

(The math lingo for this is "Markovian".)