Astronomer Royal for Scotland | Catherine Heymans Profile picture
Astronomer Royal for Scotland. Professor of Astrophysics, Edinburgh University. Director of the German Centre for Cosmological Lensing, RUB. #LongCovid
Aug 13, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
#LongCovid update at 5 months: no progress to report - so instead a 🧵on things best not to say to someone with Long Covid:

1: Wow you’ve been housebound for X whole months, how absolutely terrible that you’re missing out on so much.

🙁 No reminder necessary 2. It’s so unlucky that you got this new illness, it’s so very rare.

#LongCovid isn’t rare. ~3% of the UK population are currently dealing with this chronic illness. Many argue it’s not even new with people suffering with #MECFS (very similar to LC), ignored for decades.