Bryan Broderick, MD, MEHP Profile picture
Current IM APD @RWJMS & Assistant Professor @CareRutgers | former @JHUPCCMFellows, @OslerResidency, @Rutgers_NJMS | girl dad x 2 | views are my own
4 subscribers
Mar 30, 2020 21 tweets 9 min read
1/21 After caring for patients in the ICU with #COVID for the last week, the time seems right for a #pulmonology #tweetorial on #Proning or #PronePositioning

@sanjayvdesai @OslerResidency @JHUPCCMFellows @CPSolvers @thecurbsiders @cardionerds @tony_breu @david_furfaro @chadhoc 2/ Let’s begin with a question: how does prone positioning improve oxygenation in patients with severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)?
Jul 7, 2019 22 tweets 10 min read
Time for another #Pulmonology #Tweetorial that combines history, Oscar Wilde & questioning a long-held belief…

@OslerResidency @sanjayvdesai @DxRxEdu @CPSolvers @tony_breu @david_furfaro @ChadHoc @JohnsHopkinsDOM 2/
Let’s begin with a question:

Why does Lady Windermere Syndrome tend to affect the right middle lobe and lingula in older women without preexisting lung disease?
Jun 4, 2019 21 tweets 11 min read
Inspired by some amazing @JohnsHopkinsDOM & @OslerResidency colleagues (@Dr_DanMD, @david_furfaro, @DxRxEdu to name a few), as well as the master @tony_breu, I’ve decided to take a stab at my first #pulmonology pathophysiology #tweetorial2/
Ever wonder why patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) tend to have more severe disease in the upper lung fields, especially on the right?

I have!

And the answer was not what I was expecting…