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Aug 14th 2022
1/Hello all,Good morning! Happy independence week🇮🇳🎉🎊
Got a beautiful chest teaching case 👇🏻Xray ▶️CT ▶️HPE

🛑27 year old female came with h/o chest discomfort, breathing difficulty, cough x 1 week

Lets breakdown it✍️📝 🔥
#radres #chestrad #Pulmonology #MedTwitter #FOAMrad Image
2/ Frontal CXR shows homogenous opacity in R.mid & lower zone in paravertebral region
❇️It has well defined superior,inferior&lateral borders, medial border is merged with mediastinum(incomplete border sign)
♉️Opacity has Broad base contact with mediastinum s/o mediastinal origin Image
❇️Lung lesion will be covered by lung margins all side(not always) & form an acute angle with meds
♉️Normal silhouette of right heart border is seen (neg silhouette sign) s/o lesion not in ant med
🉑Hilar vessels are seen coursing through the opacity (Hilum overlay sign +ve) ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Aug 6th 2022
Welcome everyone to our 2nd Pediatric on Squares Board Review Course
We are starting today until the coming 8 days
Hope it’ll be helpful and enjoyable course
✏️ Note that you still can join and register on the course with accessibility to all recorded session until 27th of August ImageImage
Day 1
1st session: Pulmonology Review
By Dr. Bassem Kurdi @Bassemkurdi

#Pediatric #Pulmonology #MCQ ImageImage
Day 1
2nd session: Keys to Answer MCQs
3rd session: Neonatology review
By: Prof. Abdulrahman Alnemari @aalnemri
#Pediatric #Neonatology #NICU #MCQ ImageImage
Read 23 tweets
Mar 6th 2021
Listen to this and let’s reflect as a respiratory community how we can emulate #cardiology and transform outcomes in #asthma, #COPD, #bronchiectasis, #ILD +other chronic #respiratory diseases over the NEXT 50 years. This accompanies a great @nejm Perspective by @EricTopol. Think:
Cross-disciplinary interchange of ideas...integration of basic science and translational research...technological innovation...EBM...large cohorts...policy change...huge collaborative trials...adequate research funding...genetic insights...drug development... life-course...
...precision determinants of health...biomarkers...AI...

Respiratory #pulmonology - we need to be more bold.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 9th 2020
🗂️THREAD: U.S./global #COVID19 clinical/research patient/healthcare worker registries seen on #medtwitter

Many specialty-society/focused registries launched in last few weeks, attempt to collect them here

List 👇🏽

2/n: @SCCM's VIRUS: Viral Infection and Respiratory Illness Universal Study @covid19registry

Inclusion criteria 👇🏽…

Find out if your site is already enrolled:…

#Pulmonology #Pulm #CriticalCare #PCCM
3/n: International #COVID19 Dermatology Registry led by @DrEstherFreeman @AADskin

Looking for:
1. #COVID19 pts who develop #skin findings
2. #dermatology pts who develop #COVID19

h/t @DrStevenTChen #dermtwitter
Read 11 tweets
Apr 5th 2020
1 approach to understanding #covid19 infection is to examine co-morbidities & ask what's common?

Most prevalent Cov19 co-morbs:

4)Cardiovascular disease
5)Kidney disease
6)Chronic respiratory disease (esp COPD)

These are diverse diseases & increasing age technically not a disease at all. However, there is at least 1 factor in common among all of the co-morbidities identified thus far:

A survey of the co-morbidities revealed another commonality; a close association w/ dysregulation of the pro-inflammatory, neutrophil-recruiting cytokine, IL-17A.

IL-17A is made by multiple immune cell types, including lung-resident innate lymphoid cells (ILC3s).
Read 4 tweets
Mar 30th 2020
1/21 After caring for patients in the ICU with #COVID for the last week, the time seems right for a #pulmonology #tweetorial on #Proning or #PronePositioning

@sanjayvdesai @OslerResidency @JHUPCCMFellows @CPSolvers @thecurbsiders @cardionerds @tony_breu @david_furfaro @chadhoc
2/ Let’s begin with a question: how does prone positioning improve oxygenation in patients with severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)?
3/ First, some history. Prone positioning was first proposed in the 1970’s as a method to improve gas exchange in resp. failure and has long been shown to improve Pa/FiO2 in mechanically ventilated patients with severe ARDS.…
Read 21 tweets
Jul 7th 2019
Time for another #Pulmonology #Tweetorial that combines history, Oscar Wilde & questioning a long-held belief…

@OslerResidency @sanjayvdesai @DxRxEdu @CPSolvers @tony_breu @david_furfaro @ChadHoc @JohnsHopkinsDOM
Let’s begin with a question:

Why does Lady Windermere Syndrome tend to affect the right middle lobe and lingula in older women without preexisting lung disease?
Let’s start with a little history. Non-tuberculosis mycobacterial (NTM) lung infections have been reported as early as the 1950’s, traditionally in the immunocompromised or those with structural lung disease.
Read 22 tweets
Jun 4th 2019
Inspired by some amazing @JohnsHopkinsDOM & @OslerResidency colleagues (@Dr_DanMD, @david_furfaro, @DxRxEdu to name a few), as well as the master @tony_breu, I’ve decided to take a stab at my first #pulmonology pathophysiology #tweetorial…
Ever wonder why patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) tend to have more severe disease in the upper lung fields, especially on the right?

I have!

And the answer was not what I was expecting…
First, it is important to remember that CF is caused by mutations in the CFTR gene, which ultimately leads to thick, viscous secretions due to the inability to secrete chloride.
Read 21 tweets

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