Balazs Lab Profile picture
Using engineered immunity and synthetic immunology to investigate the underlying mechanisms of antibody-mediated treatment and prevention of infectious disease.
Dec 16, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
I wanted to share one more figure from the #Omicron pre-print that I think offers some additional support for the idea that mRNA boosting doesn't just increase the total neutralizing response but instead "broadens" it to enable Omicron neuralization: What these graphs show is a comparison of neutralization activity against the original strain (wild type) on the X axis and either Delta or Omicron on the Y axis. White dots represent samples from recently vaccinated, black squares from recently boosted individuals.
Dec 14, 2021 16 tweets 7 min read
Until the pre-print posts, I figured I would put together a thread for those who want to see the data. Many thanks to @wilfredo_nk, @kstdenis29, @EvanCLam, @adamnitido, @NaranbhaiVivek who have been up at all hours of the night both at the bench and writing the paper!

1/16 We generated harmless pseudoviruses decorated with spikes that represent circulating Delta and Omicron spike proteins. Compared to the Wuhan isolate, Delta has 9 mutations in spike, but Omicron has 34!

Mar 12, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
Our paper describing the potential for mRNA vaccines to induce antibodies capable of neutralizing many of the circulating variants is now available online at Cell!… We created pseudoviruses representing many of the globally circulating variants, many containing numerous mutations in and around the receptor binding domain (RBD)
Feb 17, 2021 13 tweets 6 min read
As we wait for medRxiv, I wanted to share our complete results in a new thread. I want to stress that this is still a pre-print that has not yet undergone peer review. Many thanks again to @wilfredo_nk @EvanCLam @kstdenis29 and @NaranbhaiVivek for all of their hard work! To test the potential for both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines to produce serum responses capable of neutralizing circulating #SARSCoV2 variants, we built a series of spike-expression plasmids:
Feb 14, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
We have just uploaded a pre-print to MedRxiv sharing our data on the potential for sera from recipients of currently administered mRNA vaccines to neutralize 10 different circulating strains of #SARSCoV2. Before it posts online, I'd like to put them into context. A thread:
1/12 Here's a key graph from our pre-print showing the results of our neutralization assay on sera taken from vaccinees receiving two or one dose of BNT162b2.
2/12 Titers that achieve 50% neutralization (NT50) are plotted fo