Prof. dr. habil. Petra Bárd LL.M. PhD, Professor of Sustainable Rule of Law @Radboud_Uni; Lecturer @ELTE Law School; Researcher @CEUDemInst; @GoodLobbyProfs
I am delighted to share six papers we produced in the framework of a rule of law project initiated by the Netherlands Helsinki Committee. #NHC_nl
Fleck Zoltán - Chronowski Nóra - Bárd Petra: The Crisis of the Rule of Law, Democracy and Fundamental Rights in Hungary
MTA Law Working Papers 2022/4…
Aug 7, 2020 • 36 tweets • 19 min read
The International Court of Justice of the Amsterdam District Court concluded that Polish courts are no longer independent and asked the @EUCourtPress about the consequences for the #EuropeanArrestWarrant regime.
Long🧵with my assessment ⬇️
1/ This is not the first time a national court has doubts as to whether suspects/convicts should be surrendered. For quite some time national courts denied surrender on various human rights grounds, in contravention of the black letter law of the Framework Decision on the #EAW.