Save Bees and Farmers ECI Profile picture
🐝European Citizens' Initiative #SaveBeesAndFarmers 🧑‍🌾 1,2 Million ✍ signed for a pesticide-free, bee-friendly agriculture and restoration of biodiversity
Dec 17, 2022 12 tweets 23 min read
Dear Ministers, on behalf of 1.1 million Europeans that have signed our ECI's demand for legally binding
pesticide reduction targets, we urge you to defend the SUR in the Energy Council on Monday! @lgewessler
@KhattabiZakia @davorfilipovic2 @ClaudeTurmes… "The heavy use of pesticides in agriculture is strongly linked to declines in #biodiversity and detrimental impacts on global public #health", more than 700 scientists say. @CostasKadis @MinisterKenE @Teresaribera @LeaWermelin @EamonRyan @MariaOhisalo…