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As evidenced by the lack of posts, I’ve moved over to 🧵
Nov 11, 2021 4 tweets 6 min read
NEW: @GovCox tells @fox13 he will NOT veto any bills passed by the #utleg in special session.

"We had lots of negotiations behind the scenes to try to improve bills, to try to make them better," he told me:… @fox13 #utpol #Utah In a brief interview with @fox13 today, @GovCox says he had concerns over the redistricting maps and said "some are better than others."… #utpol #Utah "I have had some concerns about the maps. We’ve share
Nov 11, 2021 17 tweets 15 min read
I’m at a Veterans Day ceremony at @UUtah where @GovCox and @SenatorRomney are speaking. @fox13 #utpol #Utah Last year's ceremony could not be held because of #COVID19, so they are showing a video to the crowd of last year's honorees. @fox13 #utpol #Utah
Nov 11, 2021 4 tweets 5 min read
From @fox13 @ 9: Redistricting is done, but prepare for a potential lawsuit AND a ballot initiative:… #utpol #Utah .@BBforUT is just getting warmed up. They've been fundraising for their new PAC and I'm told it is already doing fine.

They will target lawmakers who opposed independent redistricting AND are planning a ballot initiative:… @fox13 #utpol #Utah
Nov 11, 2021 4 tweets 5 min read
HAPPENING NOW: Demonstrators gathering outside the Capitol to protest redistricting as the #utleg debates its final maps. @fox13 #utpol #Utah A crowd of people There’s about 100 people here calling for @GovCox to veto the redistricting maps. @fox13 #utpol #Utah
Nov 11, 2021 5 tweets 6 min read
OK, the Senate just PASSED bail reform, sending it to @GovCox for his signature.

They also just PASSED the revised state school board map (also going to @GovCox) and are now debating the Senate map. @fox13 #utpol #Utah The House chimes are going off so they're coming back into session. They've still got some bills to blast through, including #COVID19 vaccine exemptions.

The #utleg is going all night, kids! @fox13 #utpol #Utah
Nov 10, 2021 22 tweets 22 min read
HAPPENING NOW: The Utah Senate is now taking up the @DixieState name change bill. @fox13 #utpol #Utah .@mikemckellutah urges support for the bill.

@DonnieIpson says the name "Dixie was already used to identify the area."

He says locals want to keep it.

"The idea of ripping away the name of their school is indeed heartwrenching."

@fox13 #utpol #Utah
Nov 10, 2021 9 tweets 9 min read
The House is now taking up the State School Board map.

There's a substitute. It PASSES. This is the new map.

Rep. Ray says they fixed a Davis Co. boundary issue. @fox13 #utpol #Utah Davis Co. boundaries shifted. .@JoelMFerry says a theme that came out of the redistricting committee meeting is that "school boards mattered."

He urges support for the map. @fox13 #utpol #Utah
Nov 10, 2021 7 tweets 8 min read
JUST IN: @UtahDepOfHealth reporting 1,531 new cases of #COVID19 in Utah. 12 new deaths. 12,908 new people tested. 78 new hospitalizations. 8,828 new 1st-dose vaccinations. 2,639 new people fully vaccinated. @fox13 #utpol #Utah Here's the math on #COVID19 in Utah, per @UtahDepOfHealth...
Cases: 567,665 (1,531 new)
Tested: 3,799,714 (12,908 new)
Hospitalizations: 24,791 (78 new)
Deaths: 3,325 (12 new)
Vaccinated-1st dose: 1,989,636 (8,828 new)
Vaccinated-Fully: 1,769,301 (2,639 new)
@fox13 #utpol #Utah
Nov 10, 2021 8 tweets 9 min read
Senate leadership is now meeting with reporters about the morning floor time. @fox13 #utpol #Utah Senate leadership On his #COVID19 vaccine exemptions bill, Sen. Cullimore acknowledges business groups had some concerns which is why it was changed. Utah could also lose litigation against mandates. @fox13 #utpol #Utah
Nov 10, 2021 48 tweets 46 min read
The House is coming into session for Day 2 of the special session.

Expect a vote on the @DixieState name change this morning (and my colleague @HaileyHiggins will be in the House for their fun and games).

I'm in the Senate, waiting for them to start on congressional map. #utpol Expect a day full of votes, kids.

We've still got bail reform, @DixieState name change and #COVID19 vaccine exemptions, in addition to redistricting.

While we wait for gavel down, here's some #MusicToSaunterTo:… #utpol #Utah
Nov 10, 2021 5 tweets 6 min read
JUST IN: In an internet town hall meeting, @GovCox announces he does NOT plan to veto the #utleg's Redistricting Committee maps (assuming they pass). @fox13 #utpol #Utah .@GovCox says he understands frustration that people feel, but says the place that should be directed is to elect "people that have the same interests that you do in changing the maps the next time around." @fox13 #Utpol #Utah
Nov 10, 2021 5 tweets 7 min read
From @fox13 @ 5: Some Republicans broke ranks and joined Democrats in voting against the #utleg's proposed congressional redistricting map.

I'm told there's also talk of lawsuits, citizen referendums and ballot initiatives over… #utpol #Utah .@BBforUT (which sponsored Prop 4) announced today it's formed a PAC that would be used to advance candidates that support their interests or run a ballot initiative challenging the #utleg's redistricting maps:… @fox13 #utpol #Utah
Nov 9, 2021 10 tweets 10 min read
BREAKING NEWS: The House is taking up the Congressional map. @fox13 #utpol #Utah Rep. Ray is describing the congressional boundaries as proposed.

I've seen 6 substitute bills filed. All but one of those substitutes are proposed by Democrats. @fox13 #utpol #Utah
Nov 9, 2021 7 tweets 8 min read
JUST IN: @UtahDepOfHealth reporting 1,558 new cases of #COVID19 in Utah. 13 new deaths. 6,200 new people tested. 90 new hospitalizations. 7,513 new 1st-dose vaccinations. 2,077 new people fully vaccinated. @fox13 #utpol #Utah Here's the math on #COVID19 in Utah, per @UtahDepOfHealth...
Cases: 566,134 (1,558 new)
Tested: 3,786,806 (6,200 new)
Hospitalizations: 24,713 (90 new)
Deaths: 3,313 (13 new)
Vaccinated-1st dose: 1,980,808 (7,513 new)
Vaccinated-Fully: 1,766,662 (2,077 new)
@fox13 #utpol #Utah
May 1, 2021 5 tweets 6 min read
JUST IN: @UtahDepOfHealth reporting 410 new cases of #COVID19 in Utah today. 1 new death. 6,281 new people tested. 30 new hospitalizations. 8,124 new 1st-dose vaccinations. 11,422 new people fully vaccinated. @fox13 #utpol #Utah Here's the math on #COVID19 in Utah, per @UtahDepOfHealth...
Cases: 397,733 (410 new)
Tested: 2,563,649 (6,281 new)
Hospitalizations: 16,204 (30 new)
Deaths: 2,203 (1 new)
Vaccinated-1st dose: 1,305,568 (8,124 new)
Vaccinated-Fully: 948,639 (11,422 new)
@fox13 #utpol #Utah
May 1, 2021 107 tweets 101 min read
Delegates are filling the Maverik Center for the @UtahGOP convention. Public health orders say gatherings of 50+ must wear masks but it’s very mixed today. @fox13 #utpol #Utah In front of the main stage, there’s like a fog machine. @fox13 #utpol #Utah
Apr 30, 2021 6 tweets 9 min read
From @fox13 @ 5: "Slowly we’re starting to re-open the Navajo Nation," @NNPrezNez says as #COVID19 vaccines climb and cases drop. My interview with him:… #utpol #Utah .@NNPrezNez had some good news to report. Of the about 260k people in/around the Navajo Nation? 50% are fully vaccinated now.

Within the boundaries? It's 70%. He's set a goal of 75% before they lift a lot of restrictions:… @fox13 #utpol #Utah #COVID19
Apr 30, 2021 5 tweets 7 min read
SHOTS! @SaltLakeHealth hosted a "pop up" #COVID19 vaccine clinic today at @malihehclinic. People were able to drive up and get jabbed! @fox13 #utpol #Utah Woman gets a COVID shot These are the kinds of mobile clinics that @GovCox was talking about in the state's change in approach. @SaltLakeHealth has done a few already.

People who got their shots today tell me it's MUCH easier than trying to make an appt at a mass vaccine site. #utpol #Utah #COVID19 Man with a vaccine bandaid
Apr 30, 2021 5 tweets 6 min read
JUST IN: @UtahDepOfHealth reporting 338 new cases of #COVID19 in Utah today. 5 new deaths. 5,603 new people tested. 16 new hospitalizations. 9,422 new 1st-dose vaccinations. 13,059 new people fully vaccinated. @fox13 #utpol #Utah Here's the math on #COVID19 in Utah, per @UtahDepOfHealth...
Cases: 397,323 (338 new)
Tested: 2,557,368 (5,603 new)
Hospitalizations: 16,174 (16 new)
Deaths: 2,202 (5 new)
Vaccinated-1st dose: 1,297,444 (9,422 new)
Vaccinated-Fully: 937,217 (13,059 new)
@fox13 #utpol #Utah
Apr 30, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
NEW: The Utah Supreme Court has tossed a case that challenged the state parole board's absolute power:… @fox13 #utpol #Utah Bobbie Widdison did time for the 1996 murder of her child. She was supposed to be paroled in 2018. Parole board changed its mind, giving her life. Widdison challenged it and as the case reached the Utah Supreme Court?

Surprise! She was paroled:… @fox13
Apr 30, 2021 11 tweets 15 min read
ICYMI, here's your sneak peek at the new Utahraptor State Park!… @fox13 #utpol #Utah This was such a fun story to do. @UtahDNR and @UtahStateParks had us down to check out the site, about 15 miles outside of Moab in the Dalton-Wells area:… @fox13 #utpol #Utah Mountains in backdrop, lots of open land.UtahDNR looking at a map of the boundaries.