∙MedTech Champion : Pioneered Bariatric Surgery, Dental Implants, Oral Cancer Prevention in India
∙Student of Vedanta - Seeker of "The Self"
Feb 26 • 9 tweets • 6 min read
#Mahashivratri Thread :
1)Shiva is the Supreme Being-the all pervading Brahman who is unaffected by Maya or the illusory world of duality
He has absolute control over all indriyas & is in a state of perfect samadhi/equilibrium-he is limitless, timeless, & formless : Pure Bliss Consciousness
2)The moon on his forehead represents his control over time-He is Chandrashekhar or Mahakaal who transcends space & time
The jataa or matted locks symbolise "Prana Vayu" which is basis of every life : Here He is Pashupatinath-the master of all living beings
Nov 15, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Shocking Thread : 1) Do you know how dangerous things can get for Mumbai & Maharashtra if MVA comes to power & starts to implement the 17 conditions of Ulema Board?
Let me tell you & shock you out of your senses
What if I tell you there was an ISIS territory 50km from Mumbai ? SHOCKED ??
I was also shocked when I heard this!
If u want to know what this is all about & how it got exposed-then read full thread pl🙏2) Padgha Borivali is a village near Bhiwandi with 90% peacefuls (It is literally 15 mins from the Mumbai exit of Samruddhi Mahamarg)
Few days ago one person in this village suddenly changed its name to Al-Shaam, meaning "Greater Syria" & declared itself a liberated zone with allegiance to ISIS & Sharia
Who was he & how did this get exposed?
Mar 18, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Thread on : Never Forgive , Never Forget , Throw out Adharmis who want to fight #Shakti
1) Palghar : Maharaj Kalpavriksh Giri & Sushil Giri !ynching under UT Govt 2) Kejriwal & Co : Mocking Kashmiri Hindu gen#cide in Delhi assembly
Mar 5, 2024 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
1) Thread (RT & Keep adding)
#ModiKaParivar : Bharat Ke Jawaan 2) #ModiKaParivar : Bharat Ke Shramik
Dec 14, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
1) An ISIS territory 50km from Mumbai ?
SHOCKED ?? I was also shocked when I heard this!
If u want to know what this is all about & how it got exposed-then read full thread pl🙏
Full credit for this thread goes to @bolbhidu watch their YouTube video : 2) Padgha Borivali is a village near Bhiwandi with 90% peacefuls, few days ago one person in this village suddenly changed its name to Al-Shaam, meaning "Greater Syria" & declared itself a liberated zone with allegiance to ISIS & Sharia
Who was he & how did this get exposed?
Nov 21, 2023 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
#Thread Decoding DeMo+FICN+Pak Terror & CONg
2004-14 was the decade of the worst terror attacks in India-Can you guess why?
A weak CONg govt is the partial answer-the complete answer will give you a 10000V shock
Read till the end & u will see how CONg betrayed the nation
2)See chronology & join dots
2004-CONg gives currency note printing contract to De La Rue (Approved by then FM-PC)
2010-Intel agencies find out DLR was providing our currency paper, materials to ISI who in turn was running a flourishing FICN(Fake Indian Currency Notes) industry
Jun 27, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
1)My app keeps crashing when I request🎙..🤯
I hear u @ARanganathan72 & understand where u r coming from-I also say that my faith is not so fragile that it is hurt by someone abusing it, however another person might feel differently & I know this is the point u wr trying to make
2)That said & done-a law 295A exists to punish DELIBERATE hurt of religious sentiment & I know this will be applied by all subjectively but there also exist courts to decide whether intent is deliberate or not
So as FoS absolutist one must oppose 295A rather than its application
Shiva is the Supreme Being-the all pervading Brahman who is unaffected by Maya or the illusory world of duality
He has absolute control over all indriyas & is in a state of perfect samadhi/equilibrium-he is limitless timeless & formless-Supreme Bliss Consciouness
2)The moon on his forehead represents his control over time-he is Chandrashekhar or Mahakaal who transcends space & time
The jataa or matted locks symbolise "Prana Vayu" which is basis of every life : here he is Pashupatinath-the master of all living beings
Adi Guru Shree Gaudapadacharya 🙏 & the Gaudapadacharya Sansthan Math aka Shree Kavale Matha - the Oldest Matha in Sanatana Dharma
2)Sanatana Dharma has survived ravages of time predatory cultures/faiths & hostile rules
Credit for this largely rests with our Mathas or Peethas who ensured Dharma was protected
Many of us know the role played by ParamaGuru Shri Adi Shankaracharya who established the 4 Mathas
Shree Mangeshi Devasthana in Goa-one of the most beautiful & pristine Mahadeva Mandirs in India & Kuladaivata of thousands of Gaud Saraswat Brahmins where Shiva looks absolutely resplendent as the Lord of the Universe in his Golden Vigraha #HarHarMahadev
2)The Sahyadri Khanda of Skandapurana refers to the sacred river Aghnanashini (Maha Papanaashini) at Kushasthali (Goa) as the Adhya Sthan of Shree Mangesh who along with Maa Parvati prefered to stay in Goa forever after their reunion
Nov 9, 2019 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
@Cold_Peace_ Since u mentioned Hindu "awakening" lets put this in the right perspective & examine what put Hindus to sleep in the 1st place
1)500 yrs of hostile Mughal & British rule during which millions of Hindus were massacred enslaved & converted & their places of worship vandalised.....
@Cold_Peace_ 2)Despite this they could not completely make India an I$lamic or Xtian state as they did with other countries which they had invaded & forcibly occupied
3)This is because the Hindu never sleeps-the Sanatana Dharma which is the oldest in the world has unshakeable foundations.....
Say that Beef is the only source of protein for poor & they must have it
Jul 18, 2019 • 25 tweets • 11 min read
#GuruPurnima Thread 1/n
Lets begin with the prarthana : #ShriGurudevaDatta 🙏 Saashtang Namaskar to Shri DattaGuru 🙏🏻 the Primordial or Adi Guru who has manifested time & again in various avatars to guide humanity through the maze of life called YogaMaya 2/n Birth : Shri Dattatreya is known as Atri Putra-Son of Maharshi Atri & his wife Sati Anusuya who was the epitome of Pativrata
Brahma Vishnu & Mahadeva in order to test her approached her as sadhus & asked for Nirvana Daana
Nov 8, 2018 • 17 tweets • 7 min read
1)For decades d powerful #ChrIslamoNaxal Cabal has waged a relentless war against Sanatana Dharma & is massively patronized by CONg
2)Globally-members of this cabal hate each other:
Mu!lahs & Libtards/Feminazis hate each others guts while Xtians & Mu$lims r at war since crusades
But in India-hate for SanatanaDharma overpowers their mutual dislike & makes them work together in an unholy nexus of convenience