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Bringing high quality #bitcoin content and analytics into one place.
Jun 5 8 tweets 4 min read
June update on #bitcoin top indicators, where they stand now and what to expect at the top (current price $70,620)👇

% Long Term Holder Supply
MVRV Z-Score
Top Cap Model
Mayer Multiple
Pi-Cycle Top Indicator The percent of #bitcoin that is being held by long term holders is at 73.3%, stabilizing at this level for the last 2 months after a sharp decline in the first 4 months of the year (from 81%). This pause in LTH selling is similar to previous mid bull-cycles when LT holders wait for further price appreciation. Bitcoin price tops are not realized until a significant amount of this long term supply is sold and becomes short term supply. Based on a range between 2017 (-28%) and 2021 (-15%) drops, a fair area to expect a price top can be between 60-70 percent of supply held by long term holders.Image
Nov 15, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
Ep 100 of "BTC Fundamentals" w/ @JeffBooth & @PrestonPysh is the 3rd in a 3-part series on the importance of #Bitcoin and POW/energy. Below is a summary of learnings 👇

Human progress all starts w/ the consumption of energy from the sun > plants > animals > humans > ideas. A single brain has limited energy and compute power. When we link brains together, they become a super computer, producing many ideas. The abstract world we live in is a result of this super computer. All powered by energy.
Jun 3, 2022 25 tweets 11 min read
The latest @WhatisMoneyShow, with @Breedlove22 and @BrianEstes32 is a must listen. It's jam packed with so much on the history of money & the promise of #Bitcoin and blockchain technology. Highly recommend listening in full but if you can't...highlights 👇 @BrianEstes32 on what has driven the change in money...

1/ "In the 11th century the Chinese invented paper money. So 1,000 years ago that was the new technology. This paper money is light weight, it's more portable, it's more divisible, than this heavy bag of gold."
Jun 1, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
ICYMI: the @Heritage Foundation hosted a discussion on Bitcoin & cryptocurrencies last week. @SenLummis discussed proposed legislation that will be filed next week. Per her comments below, it is very comprehensive, thoughtful, bipartisan & covers a wide range of digital assets. On reaching common ground b/w conservatives and #bitcoin, “The common ground is looking for the sweet spot between not stifling innovation but rather encouraging innovation, while at the same time, creating a regulatory framework that everyone understands.”