BH Times 🇷🇺 Profile picture
Founded in 2019, we are a party for the Colonized to expose the truth and build our future. Help #FreeTheBHP3
Dec 13, 2022 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
"WORK to protect a Freedom Fighter, a Christian Black man, a leader of the people who is being unjustly held as a political prisoner. We need to show that although Gazi is in Jail, the people outside have not forgotten him."

Dec 13, 2021 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
You heard it here first! The Black Hammer Organization and the Proud Boys are FORMING A COALITION to defeat the disgusting p*do-loving, welfare economy demoncrats and their puppet master, BIG PHARMA who has been poisoning all of us for too long.
Jul 25, 2021 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
This Party of Sexual Assaulters and Leechers thinks they can come for the VANGUARD organization uniting all Colonized peoples to end u$ imperialism by all kkkolonizers, including their organization and its parasitic brand of ku klux kkkommunism. Let's pull the receipts! Image First of all, one of the most prominent leaders of the organization is Michael Prysner, a veteran of the united snakkkes imperialist military that dropped bombs all across the world on our nations, trafficked our peoples for labor, and destroyed our homes. Image
May 9, 2021 • 20 tweets • 4 min read
Ku klux kkkommunists can’t keep us out their filthy disease ridden mouths. From Hasan Piker to the thing that names himself Vaush, hueless hooligans are only out here giving us free press. While they’re circulating what they think is bad press about us, more and more Colonized peoples are seeing our message. More and more are signing up in droves to take the land back such yts continue to steal from us by cannon.
May 9, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
“Amerikkkan colonialism is GLOBAL, Amerikkkan imperialism is GLOBAL, it effects every colonized person, and that is why we need to UNITE against yt power” - Chief Itza

Tune into this BOOKTRAP right now! Our comrades are SPITTIN’ “We will never have rights under the colonial system, we need DICTATORSHIP over our lands, lives, and resources!! “🔨- Chief Frederico!
May 9, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
🌄Rise and shine Hammers! Hop in now for Da Revolutionary BookTrap, where Chiefs Frederico and Itza are going over Part 2 of From a Native Daughter by Haunani-Kay Trask don't forget yo read dat backs! Time to donate to Hammer City!! tune in now to hear Chiefs Itza and Frederico talk about what we buildin!
May 8, 2021 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
A thread from our very own CIC:

An Ex CIA Leader wrote an article about US! 1. We ain’t marxist 🤮, we are Anti-Colonialist 😎
May 8, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Yt people came and stole the land of the u.$. through disease and warfare, dispossessing indigenous peoples at the barrel of a gun and enslaving African people for hundreds of years. What do you call such people if not a kkkolonizer? This whole “go back to your country too” thing, especially against the people yts like to call “Latino,” are indigenous to these lands as their ancestors have been roaming them for thousands of years before europeans came and stole it all.
May 8, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
This man is a whole fed for the u.$. While we’re out here to end the settler colonial state of amerikkka, this sad excuse of a “leftist” or whatever tf he is, sits in a basement attacking our Colonized nations and tweeting out disgusting things like this 🤮 All of these yt leftists be asking us what we’re collecting from the cia, or how we’re a psyop, when y’all need to be asking this fed [vaush] who peddles u.$. imperialist propaganda against China to manufacture public consensus for war

May 8, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
When will yt people on stolen indigenous land stop pretending they’re “communists”? If y’all were communists, you’d be back in europe, not on stolen land doing the work of the devil day in and day out At Black Hammer, we are ANTI-COLONIAL communists, with the emphasis being on anticolonial first and foremost. We are a colonized and dispossessed peoples and all ❄️🪳 are to blame.
May 7, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
The united snakkkes, through #government agencies like the cia, trafficked drugs such as crack-cocaine into Colonized communities as an attack on our people, especially our revolutionaries 😡 Image And the united snakkkes continuously works to destabilize Colonized nations #worldwide, all to instill puppet dictatorships and sellouts who will do its bidding 🤬 Image
May 7, 2021 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
For all the Haters that said our liberated 200 Acres of Land in the mountains 🏔 didn’t have rich soil! Feast your eyes 👀 on a close up baby gurl! (Take your time! Soil been tested hunty 😉) 💁🏾 ImageImage Our God, Ancestors and Colonized community have blessed us with this piece of our Mother 🌍 ! Speaking against Blessings will only offer you the worst Karma! Image
May 6, 2021 • 6 tweets • 5 min read
We personally want to say rest in pi$$ to #colonizer kkkarl marx. Marx's ku klux kkkommunist #manifesto has created a generation of kkkrackkka leftists who think they’re on the side of Colonized peoples while lining up to be the first to genocide, enslave and kill us. Marx was a notorious #racist, describing our societies as “barbaric” & “primitive” despite the fact that the true barbarism was from kkrackkkas #worldwide.

Marx didn’t contribute anything to society, except stealing what little he could imagine of African & colonized societies.
May 5, 2021 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
We get new members every week! We love seeing their beautiful melanated faces show up every week to unite with us against colonialism and yt power ✊🏽🔨… “I’m here because I’m tired of these crumbs from the colony that come from the death of my peoples.” Yass new comrade Houria!!
May 5, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
We have events, shows and much more coming up 🥳! Come join us on our FB Live happening right now and get in on these incredible events! And you can join and create events by joining us at… We’re reading Part II of Dr. Haunani-Kay Trask’s “From A Native Daughter” this week on Sunday at 11am EST on our FB Live! Come get this incredible political education
May 4, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Real talk though, if you are colonized and you want to see your people FREE from pig lynchings, vicious landlords, from kkkovid and colonizers, join Black Hammer today! We protect the people, unlike what these parasites have to say!! We feed, house, and clothe the people! How many colonizers can say that? 🧐 We also give out PPE to our colonized communities, defense training, gardening skills, the list goes ON. Don't let the kkkolony tell you what to think, caring about Anne Frank isn't going to get us free🤷‍♀️
May 4, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Dumba$$ coon reny here with no historical analysis of how Jonestown was led by a yt european who killed hundreds of African & colonized peoples While your bio says “political education” if you actually had any, you’d understand how cults are yt people culture, and built on furthering the genocide of African & colonized peoples.
May 4, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
europeans really came here, massacred over 200 million indigenous people, enslaved Africans, established a colonial imperialist empire, then call themselves “communists” and think that makes them on our side. A parasite will always be a parasite though. We place the blame of colonialism on all yt people because we understand poor and petit-bourgeoisie yts act as the foot soldiers of the yt ruling class to carry out colonialism.
May 4, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Colonizers have enslaved, genocided, ate, tortured, and oppressed us for centuries, but get mad when we say we’re going to “burn” a yt girl’s diary.

Sorry, but we don’t share the same material reality with daughters of german imperialists in armies that killed our people. From Christopher Columbus to Andrew Jackson to George Bush, we have endured countless “Hitlers” who first applied those genocidal tactics used against european jews against us.
May 4, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
@TheCPLUC so y’all oppose reparations to African & colonized peoples, but think you’re communists and on our side? Y’all really a book club at a yt jesuit colonizing institution and think you have moral high ground over us. How about we give a history lesson on the jesuits? The jesuits were one of the most active christian groups in the sale and enslavement of African peoples, traveling to lands to indoctrinate and colonize African peoples before sending them to the americas to be enslaved…
May 4, 2021 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
yt people think anything Colonized peoples do for ourselves is racist, colonial, etc because everything they have created over the past 600+ years has reflected those values. They can’t understand our love for the land and humanity because they’re so disconnected from it. Colonizers truly believe once we get power back over our land we’re going to do what they’ve done to us over the past 600+ years because all they can really do is project their violent, racist and colonial ways upon us.