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May 3rd 2023
Sheriff: Suspected #Texas #gunman caught hiding under laundry | May 3
- Francisco #Oropeza, 38, was captured without incident near Houston and about 20 miles (32 kilometers) from his home in the rural town of #Cleveland…
Francisco #Oropeza.
Man suspected of killing five neighbours in #Texas found hiding under pile of laundry | -47min
- Acting on a tip, authorities said they found the suspect hiding underneath a pile of laundry in the closet of a house.…
#Texas Mass Shooter Was 5-Times-#Deported #IllegalAlien | May 2, 2023
- a repeatedly deported Mexican illegal alien will probably not see saturation coverage by the press the way the immigrant-hating fiend who shot up an #ElPaso mall in 2019 was covered.… Image
Read 7 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
Alla vigilia dell’anniversario del lancio dell’Operazione Militare Speciale, ripropongo in pochi tweet (relativamente all’importanza e complessità della materia) i punti principali sul conflitto: fatti e realtà, ragioni e implicazioni. #Russia #Ucraina #Guerra #Zelensky #Putin Image
#Russia e #Ucraina nascono come un unico stato ed un unico popolo. Le origini della Rus'di Kiev, estesa da #Kiev a #Novgorod, risalgono a quando un gruppo di origine vichinga e slava si congiunse all’Impero Romano d’Oriente (guardia Variaga).…
Non per caso il primo principe santo a battezzarsi cristianizzando la Rus' di #Kiev porta lo stesso nome dei presidenti russo e ucraino attuali: Vladimir (#Putin)/Volodymyr (#Zelensky)…
Read 53 tweets
Dec 12th 2022

#Scholz scrive un manifesto sulla geopolitica.
Il Cancelliere ha pubblicato quello che può essere interpretato come il suo manifesto, in cui spiega come intende la geopolitica e come vede il ruolo della #Germania nel mondo. 

Il fatto che il suo intrigo sia stato pubblicato sulla rivista dell'influente American Council on Foreign Affairs può essere interpretato come una tacita approvazione da parte dei geostrateghi statunitensi delle posizioni di Scholz. 
Ciò non sorprende, perché

il lavoro di Scholz è principalmente un giuramento di fedeltà agli Stati Uniti.…
Read 4 tweets
Jun 22nd 2022
Umm. Hasn't anyone at @MoJGovUK told @DominicRaab that a "Bill of Rights Bill" won't enter the statute books as a #BillOfRights (if passed) but only as a Bill of Rights *Act*?

We still have to wait for the Bill to be published, of course - but the petty press release:…

makes it clear this isn't a #BillOfRights; it's not even a #BillOfGoods - it's a Bill of #Bads and #Wrongs that starts off poorly, and then gets even worse...
Even as it characterises #HumanRights claims as "trivial", the Government reveals its fatuity; the example it gives 👇 refers to a ruling that simply required the UK Courts to see through *their own process*!

Just how "trivial" does this Government consider #DueProcess to be?? Confirm that interim measures from the European Court of Hum
Read 8 tweets
May 15th 2022
I’ve read the 180 pg #manifesto of the #TopsSupermarket mass murder suspect #PaytonGendron

I don’t know for certain if it’s authentic but it’s consistent w what we know occurred.

I’m posting notes & quotes here👇 b/c unlike narrative-motivated #MSM I believe in full disclosure

The number of pages devoted to different topics:

Black people-10 pages
Jews-29 pages
Asians-1 paragraph
Arabs & Turks < 1 pg
Whites < 1 pg
His weapons and armor-95 pages
Read 16 tweets
May 6th 2022
1/ Nella mia qualità di Presidente della Confederazione Legale dei Diritti dell’Uomo Vi informo che oggi abbiamo “notificato” alle alte cariche dello Stato della #RepubblicaItaliana e ad altri responsabili il #Manifesto per la moratoria dell’obbligo “#vaccinale”-#COVID19,
2/ allegando le ca. 170.000 firme di cittadini raccolti in tempo record. Ora staremo a vedere se le alte cariche dello Stato adempieranno al loro preciso obbligo di salvaguardare i cittadini italiani da un destino di nuda e cruda cavia.
3/ Noi #avvocati associati nell’impegno per la tutela dei Diritti Umani vigileremo e agiremo al riguardo. Vista la situazione drammatica non c’è altro tempo da perdere!…
Read 3 tweets
May 19th 2021
Ini Manifesto Bersama semua faksi, kelompok, entiti atau apapun itu di Occupied #Palestine. Tanpa kop, logo, dll yg beredar di publik Palestina. Di-echo oleh semua aktivis dan akun-akun pro-Palestina. Artinya: tak peduli siapa, tapi ini #manifesto aklamatif. Long live Intifada!
Translasi kopi dari bhs Arab. Orang-orang banyak menerjemahkan ke dlm bbrp bahasa. Kl ada yg bs menerjemahkan ke dlm bhs Indonesia, plis mention saya. Atau lgsg saja kirim ke media dan akun-akun influencer.
Ini versi IG, sila jika ingin ikut menyebarkan semangat persatuan bangsa Palestina. Kita sebarkan energi positif, bhw Palestina bersatu. Tidak alasan kita menjadi pemecah-belah isu Palestina. (1-4)
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May 6th 2021
We personally want to say rest in pi$$ to #colonizer kkkarl marx. Marx's ku klux kkkommunist #manifesto has created a generation of kkkrackkka leftists who think they’re on the side of Colonized peoples while lining up to be the first to genocide, enslave and kill us.
Marx was a notorious #racist, describing our societies as “barbaric” & “primitive” despite the fact that the true barbarism was from kkrackkkas #worldwide.

Marx didn’t contribute anything to society, except stealing what little he could imagine of African & colonized societies.
For YEARS, societies lived communally and harmoniously with #Earth, but all krackkka marx jotted down was a few notes to reduce the problems of the world to capitalism. 😒 we know all bleach demons are to blame for the current destruction of the world, not just #capitalism.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 16th 2021
🪡🧵✂️ Do you want to learn how you can use handicrafts in activism (#craftivism) to help change hearts, minds, policies, laws & culture in a beautiful, kind & fair way? 🥰

Follow this ~ thread ~ of how we can help. And come join our global #gentleprotest movement...

💪♥️🤓👇 Image
👀 Watch our 4min animation (made with & gifted by @WovenInk) explaining who we are, what we do & the impact our unique #gentleprotest approach to #craftivism has already had since 2009 😍👇

✨📖Read our book #HowToBeACraftivist (now in paperback & ebook in your bookshops, libraries & link here).
Full of the theory, practice, honest case studies & voices of craftivists around the world who we’ve helped create real positive change.

Read 13 tweets
Oct 17th 2020
switching from management roles to individual contributor roles and still making the same if not more bread is a slept on power move
moral of the story if/when the toxicity and burnout gets to be to much - make lateral moves
with the quickness #manifesto
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Apr 15th 2020
Vision Document, Vision Gist & Vision Statement. Vision Document of a company contain Abstracts, Extracts, Paintings, Artefact, Image Consultation of Board Members, Personal Motives, Social Motives etc. Vision Gist is available in company Manifesto. Vision statement is Image
an one liner that is the heading of Vision Gist. Vision keeps the focus intact. Vision is an important aspect for course correction.

#vision #mission #goal #objectives #executive #philosophy #focus #morality #ideology #motivations #visionstatement #advisory #consultations
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Apr 3rd 2020
So, let's take a look at the latest #ContactTracing effort to emerge: - not an app, but 'components' to build apps & systems.

(There's so many tracers popping up now, it's getting like the rash of #COVID19 #SymptomSurveys that broke out last week...)

Nice to hear that @PeppPt "embrace a fully #privacy-preserving approach". So what exactly is it? (The devil, of course, is always in the detail...)

Ah! Here we are, "a brief description of our #privacy enforcing flow":

First, #AnonymousIdentifiers. Good. (And precisely what we recommended:…)

This really is a no-brainer; anyone proposing to use persistent #deviceIDs at this point is plainly a clueless numpty. Or actively seeking to #surveille.

Read 14 tweets
Nov 22nd 2019
We started this week with a blog from @DanielWinc @Jaclarner @WalesGovernance @UKandEU discussing #GeneralElection2019 in Wales, where this #election is likely to be different from those in the past.… Image
'The Spanish model of territorial accommodating its nationalities, once a factor for stability is now in crisis' Michael Keating reflects on the results of last week's election in #Spain… Image
Read 9 tweets
Nov 21st 2019

Throughout #GeneralElection2019 we will analyse where the parties stand on constitutional issues. Following the launch #LabourManifesto @UKLabour @Coree_Brown looks at their commitments ⬇…
@UKLabour #manifesto sets out their social and economic programmes and their plan for #Brexit. However, engagement with the broader #constitutional questions facing the #UK are minimal.
#Constitutional issues are detailed at the back. Abolish the @UKHouseofLords replace it with a Senate, and hold a #constitutional convention to address some of the thorny issues, all of which have been included in previous manifestos.
Read 7 tweets

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