— Yang is still apparently a terrible sister because even though she willingly separated from Blake for the good of the mission she dared to speak bluntly to Ruby so clearly she hates her.
— B/umbleby is already bait or being dragged out too long because they didn’t kiss in the first episode even though R/enora got the same brief focus and this chapter was 90% plot stuff to set up the Volume.
Nov 6, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Okay fuck it I’m still only half awake and I’m watching the Destiel confession scene on YouTube because I need to laugh
Jul 25, 2020 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
I'm rewatching #AvatarTheLastAirbender and thoughts are being thunk so here's a thread of parallels between Weiss and Zuko.
How much does he get paid to be Adam's PR person? I'm genuinely curious as to why so much of his mental energy goes into defending an abusive mass murderer who groomed an underage girl and blaming everything on his victim. I guess cause the incels are the only audience he has.
Jul 24, 2020 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
Okay strap in, y'all, because we need to talk about Blake Belladonna. Specifically, we need to talk about the disrespect some of you put on her name which I am sick and tired of seeing. Now, let's run down why Blake is a flawed (just like all of us) but incredible person.
First, this woman not only left behind her abuser and an increasingly toxic environment, which is extremely difficult all on its own, but she did it with no support system! And she even managed to save innocent lives in the process by cutting the rest of the train off.
Jul 7, 2020 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
People yelling “b-but the team dynamic!!” when arguing about ships in #RWBY sound so strange because it's like they don't understand basic human interaction. Newsflash: it's literally impossible to have identical relationships with everyone in your social circle.
Y'all really think that people spend exactly equal amounts of time with all of their loved ones and talk to everyone they're close to the exact same way? That is completely unrealistic lmao. Why does all reason go out of the window whenever the Gay™ is involved?
Jun 21, 2020 • 11 tweets • 6 min read
I know this topic is tired as hell but I wanted to lay it all out in one post for easy reference so... here’s a thread of every example of abusive behaviour that Adam exhibits presented as simply and concisely as possible.
“Isolation: Abusers don't want you talking to anyone so you don't hear other's perspectives. They control you by isolating you from loved ones, telling you that only they care for you, & ask you to keep things secret. Question your loyalty & cause divides between you and others.”
Jun 9, 2020 • 15 tweets • 11 min read
I'm in a romantic mood today so I want to gush about some of the reasons why I love #Bumbleby so much. They're just... so good for each other and there are so many reasons why so here's a thread of some of them.
Both Blake and Yang recognise each other's positive qualities and encourage each other. They see beneath the surface, with Yang pointing out Blake's bravery when Blake herself doubted it and Blake admiring Yang's inner strength, not only her physical strength.
Jun 2, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
It scares me that these people are real.
It got worse.......