⚡️ The Blue Light Diet ⚡️ Profile picture
Author BH3 - Circadian Rhythm Disruption, Artificial Light & little SUN cause hidden health problems equal to bad diet & no exercise. Follow, learn, live better
rhawk Profile picture Cuca R Delgado 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Profile picture Apollo Jackson Profile picture Dio ☀️ Profile picture 5 subscribed
Jul 18 6 tweets 5 min read

1) SUNLIGHT helps diversify and repair gut microbiome.

2) RED LIGHT lowers inflammation stimulates tissue repair & improves microbiome.

3) UVB LIGHT on skin increases the good bacteria and decreases the bad.

4) UVA LIGHT stimulates nitric oxide and nitric oxide gastrointestinal mucosal defense and reduces gut disease generation.

5) CIRCADIAN RHYTHM regulates much of gastrointestinal physiology including cell proliferation, motility, digestion, absorption, and electrolyte balance.

If your gastroenterologist or gut doctor doesnt mention any or really ALL of the above, they are preventing you from getting better or slowing your recovery by at least 50%.

Maybe get a new doctor. They might not be that concerned with your healing and just want you as an eternal patient to help pay for their vacation home and Porsche payments.

So start here.....

1) Sunlight is free. Learn how the sun works. Start slow, get outside and get sunlight on your gut and as much skin as possible in the early morning and around sunset. Then go out for UVB a little around solar noon. You will build up a tolerance over time. Don't rush.

2) Practice BRIGHT days and DARK nights for circadian rhythm optimization. Go outside ALOT during the day. Daytime indoor lighting is way too dark. Make your nights as dark as you can. Wear blue blocking glasses if you have any light at night. My favorite glasses can be found in the replys below.

3) After you do all of the above, you can think about supplementing red and infrared light by shining directly on your gut. My favorite red light therapy machines can be found in the replys below.

4) IF UVB sun is missing from your location due to winter or you are injured and cant get outside, you can supplement UVB light using a lamp. Directly on the gut. Go slow. baby steps. See my favorite UVB lamps in the replys below.

For a temporary full spectrum light therapy approach, you can also add in the most cutting edge light therapy machine on the market mentioned in the replys below.

But remember, nothing beats real sunlight in your eyes and on your skin at various times throughout the day.

Ok. Thats enough for today.Image
You can find my top five favorite blue light blocking glasses and their reviews here bluelightdiet.com/blog/topfivebl…
May 5 4 tweets 2 min read

There is a secret fact your dermatologist doesn't want you to know.

A paradox exists between indoor and outdoor workers because indoor workers get three to nine times less solar UV light (290–400 nm) exposure than outdoor workers get, yet only indoor workers have an increasing incidence of MELANOMA.

So there is something about being indoors that increases your risk of getting melanoma.

Artificial light, especially at night, is one of those things that increase risk but....

This paper shows that increased UVA light exposure and decreased Vitamin D levels can also increase your risk for melanoma.

What increases UVA and decreases Vitamin D?

Most windows.

Depending on the coatings and how they are made, most windows will increase the relative amount of UVA light and block most of the UVB light which will decrease the amount of Vitamin D you can make if you are living and working indoors during the day.

SO its not really the sun that causes the cancer but manmade artificial lights and/or an artificial spectrum of sunlight (artificial because it has been altered by something manmade (the windows).

If you do work indoors a lot during the day, make sure to take multiple sun breaks outside or at the very least OPEN a window.Image "we now propose that indoor solar UVA exposures, which cause mutations [45] and depletes vitamin D3 in the skin [34], and inadequately maintained amounts of cutaneous vitamin D3 can promote CMM (melanoma)."

Feb 22 4 tweets 2 min read


Because doctors and nurses are all suffering from severe circadian rhythm disruption due to hospital work requirements.

"Ayas et al’s findings are consistent with the previous research on health care workers’ shifts, sleep, and medical outcomes. Previous research focused on residents showed extended work hours are associated with medical errors and adverse outcomes....another study on nurses observed that poor sleep quality increased nurses’ medical errors. Similarly, the variability in individuals’ circadian rhythms may affect medical errors........There is a substantial amount of literature on sleep and medical errors in nurses, residents, and physicians......Medication administration errors, fatigue and depression were all significantly affected by circadian sleep disorders."Image
Medication administration errors, fatigue and depression were all significantly affected by circadian sleep disorders. An administration’s control of work flow to provide convenient sleep hours will help in improving sleep circadian rhythms and consequently minimize these problems.

Feb 12 5 tweets 2 min read

Yet most of you fools avoid the sun like it is the plague and still need all sorts of creams and potions and anti wrinkle defenses....

Does your delusional dermatologist even have a clue that chronic artificial light at night disrupts not only your gut microbiome, but as a paper below shows, your skin microbiome as well?

And as a paper below also shows, a disrupted skin microbiome = MORE WRINKLES.

So while an argument can be made that improper use of the sun (for instance sun through a window) could lead to wrinkles....we definitely know that artificial light at night disrupts your skin's microbiome which leads to more wrinkles.

We know it.

But your dermatologist doesnt.

When was the last time the dermatologist told you to turn off the lights at night to prevent wrinkles?

Yeah, thats what I thought.Image
Regular late bedtime not only damages the skin barrier and skin structure but also reduces the diversity and composition of facial bacterial microbiome.

Jul 18, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read

SUNLIGHT helps diversify and repair gut microbiome.

RED LIGHT lowers inflammation stimulates tissue repair & improves microbiome.

UVB LIGHT on skin increases the good bacteria and decreases the bad.

CIRCADIAN RHYTHM regulates much of gastrointestinal… https://t.co/pjiMwYbvtTtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Sunlight is free. Learn how the sun works. Start slow, get outside and get sunlight on your gut and as much skin as possible in the early morning and around sunset. Then go out for UVB a little around solar noon. You will build up a tolerance over time. Image
Jul 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read

Get red light.

660nm directly into the ear canal. Image Laser therapy is effective in treatment of tinnitus of scuba divers and its effect is increased by number of laser sessions. Image
May 23, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read

Yes. I have an awesome pair of Ray-Ban aviators.

Do I wear them while walking in the morning?

Eff no. I'm not stupid.

When do I wear them?

Only when I'm... Image driving any vehicle and the sun or glare is so strong I can't see.

That rare short term need to not die due to crashing into a light pole while driving or a tree while skiing outweighs the long term risk of super bad health from wearing sunglasses chronically.

May 19, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read

Your #dermatologist and medical establishment is giving you #melanoma.

Here's how.....

In 1975 there was a major US study that concluded exposure to UV light causes melanoma. But now there here an update to

tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.108… Image that study that found across all ages and skin types, increasing full spectrum UV light exposure does not significantly increase melanoma risk BUT there is a significant increase in melanoma with a DECREASED dose of UVB.

This probably means that a lower vitamin d level and/or...
Feb 28, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Look at this picture. What makes the person who left one of these footprints way healthier than the other person?

One person is coupled or connected to how humans were designed by nature to function optimally, the other is using modern technology that violates nature’s.... laws for healthy living.

The person following natures laws is barefoot on the beach, the violator is walking with rubber soled shoes.

When you eat food, the end game is that food is essentially reduced down to protons & electrons etc and funneled into your electron transport...
Feb 26, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
What is the healthiest #wine in the world and where can you get it? 👇

Healthy = biodynamic, strong UV, glacial water, high altitude

bluelightdetox.com/highwine @BowTiedWineGuy
Feb 26, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Why Seasonal Eating? One reason...

Carbs contain high powered electrons because they are grown with photonic energy of strong sun. Fats and proteins not so much. You dont know this but your #mitochondria do when food you eat is broken down and....

sciencedirect.com/science/articl… fed into mitochondrial electron transport chain.

Electrons are both energy and information.

For most of you, nature designed your mitochondria to expect a seasonal variation in the kind of electrons it receives due to the changing power of photons from the sun across seasons.
Feb 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Turn off the lights at night!

3 lux is not a lot of light but those in study below who regularly had night light greater than 3 lux were obviously fatter, having a higher body weight and BMI than those who used less light.

"The odds...........

pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33306979 ratio (OR) for obesity was significantly higher in the group exposed to an average light intensity ≥ 3 lux than in the group exposed to an average light intensity < 3 lux. Furthermore, individuals exposed to an average light intensity ≥ 3 lux were significantly higher body...
Feb 19, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Not much data out there but even #redlight with a high lux will suppress #melatonin & disrupt #circadianrhythm.

So make sure your red light machine is far from you at night to reduce intensity! Use a lux meter.

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16687299 Light exposure in evening, night & morning affected circadian phase of #melatonin levels. In addition, even longest wavelengths (631 nm, red) & intermittent light exposures induced circadian resetting responses & exposure to...
Feb 12, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read

More evidence for the benefits of using all the light.
You don't have to worry about missing colors or spectrums of light in sunlight....only artificial produced or altered light (glass etc).

"We observed that....

jdsjournal.com/article/S0923-… visible red light contributes to skin cell protection against UVB by modulating gene expression that enhances the adaptive response to redox and inflammatory balancing and by upregulating genes involved in DNA excision repair processes."

Nature optimized you to...
Feb 2, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Each morning, bare feet to ground & bare eyes towards sun

When u do this sun photons & ground electrons are recharging every organ in ur body. Blood circulating through ur eyes is getting a PBM treatment. Cellular water shuttles sun charged electrons to every inch of your body
Sun photons cause electrons in your body to break free or “jump” orbit & emit energy. This energy is carried through your body via hydrogen bonding networks in cellular water.

This is Einstein’s photoelectric effect giving you power to operate & increasing current. Image
Jan 28, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read


#BlueLight from screens is more damaging to kids than adults because the lens of their eye hasnt fully developed & cant block high energy light as well. Full lens development doesnt happen until...

pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31682712/ you reach your 20's. Giving little kids Ipads and video games is basically child abuse.

You might not be aware of it, well now you are, but as this study shows when you give your 5 year old an ipad, you are limiting the development of white matter in their brain which....
Jan 23, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read

UV power level at sunrise in Northern hemisphere summer = Zero.

You usually find UV light doesn’t emerge until about 20 minutes after sunrise (this depends where you are in the world). Even at that time it is very weak UVA registering a... Image 00.1 on the meter.

I suspect there is UV at sunrise just not detectable by a meter but, there definitely is UV light out in early morning hours shortly after sunrise. You are not UV free until 930am or whatever some meme shows.

So get out there early for the uv free red and...
Jan 13, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read

There are many reasons but as you see in the pics below, UV light power vanishes and we see a #bluelight SPIKE in the sun's spectral output. Color temperature also spikes at this time too.
The vanishing of UV light along with the... increase in blue light along with a color temperature spike triggers photoreceptor cells in your skin and eyes (cornea and retina) called melanopsin and neuropsin. Neuropsin is a UVA photoreceptor. It senses the diminishing UV light and alerts your body clocks that night is...
Jan 12, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read

What is being murdered? Your #mitochondria.

Who is the murderer? You are.

What is the murder weapon? Light.

Ok, so what does this picture show?

Mitochondrial mass murder.

On the left (control) we see a... normal cell with good mitochondria #health shown by the red dots.

In the center we see what happens to the cell's mitochondria when #bluelight shines down on it. The blue light destroys the red dots. Mitochondrial mass murder.

On the right we see what happens when...
Jan 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read

Concerned about #inflammation?

Good. You should be. Chronic inflammation leads to heart disease, #diabetes, #cancer, immune system dysfunction, mental illness and fatness.

I hear from doctors and diet gurus all the time that... good diets, exercise & stress reduction all lower inflammation. And they do.

But you know what I never hear from doctors, diet gurus & supplement sellers?

I never hear them tell me to avoid the #1 creator of chronic inflammation.

Circadian Rhythm Disruption.

In other words...
Jan 10, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read

First you have to figure out which time you are following then you have to do your best to make a change so that you are more in-sync with the time your biology was built to follow.

As we now know, there are at least three different... Image time zones that effect your health.

1) Social Time - The manmade time you find in your exact location on your watches, iphones, tvs, clocks and computers. This is the least healthy of all the times to keep.