Brent Thoma Profile picture
Professor @USaskEM, Interim Associate Dean of PGME @TorontoMet School of Medicine, Emergency/Trauma physician
Sep 24, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
#covid19sk will soon overwhelm our healthcare system. Effective leadership from the top will be essential in navigating this disaster. There are 5 things that @PremierScottMoe and Dr. Shahab could do to improve our response: 1/8 Admit your mistakes. If our response to COVID was flawless, our healthcare system wouldn’t be where it is. It isn’t all your fault, but some of it is. Own that. Genuinely apologize for it. And commit to moving forward together with humility. 2/8
Aug 31, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Beds in Saskatoon's overnight EDs (JPCH, RUH, SPH) last night: ~70. Consulted/admitted patients in our EDs: 73. Total # of patients in our EDs: ~155.
"That can't be possible, where are the emergency patients seen?" Good question. 1 First, not all admitted people get a bed. Our consultants also admit patients from the waiting room or a hallway. This gives emergency very few beds that are only used by really sick patients. Second, we maximize our space however we can. For example, at RUH: 2
Aug 30, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Interested in knowing what our provincial Medical Health Officers are recommending to the SK government regarding #COVID19SK? They really lay it out in this letter:… In summary:

1) Improve government messaging. The pandemic isn't over. We don't have enough immunization to 'live with covid', we need to use tools from the past 3 waves.
Aug 27, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
As summarized by @awong37 there was a Saskatchewan physician town hall tonight. During the Q&A I described the state of Saskatoon emergency departments and asked for help. The recording is now posted publicly.…. In brief: 1/12 Royal University Hospital has ~35 adult emergency beds. Recently we had 98 patients in the department including >40 admitted/consulted patients. One admitted patient waited >160 hours (almost a week) for an inpatient bed. 2/12
Aug 26, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I feel like I am apologizing constantly at work these days. Every shift it's... 1/6 Sorry to my patients for waiting so long to be seen, to be treated, to be transferred, to get admitted, or to get a bed in a room. Sorry to their families because I agree that it isn’t right. 2/6
Mar 5, 2021 21 tweets 12 min read
Excited that the @Royal_College Research Forum on using CBD assessment data to improve CBME that I presented at has made its way online (with subtitles!). Full presentation here:… Tweetorial here: Historical assessment programs often consisted of 12-13 rotation-based assessments per YEAR of training. CBME has changed that - in Canada our EM residents are getting 100-200 EPA-based assessments of patient interactions per year.
Feb 10, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Hey @SkGov, am I missing something, or does your new #covid19sk vaccination plans contradict the Canadian NACI recommendations and previous @saskhealth plans by deprioritizing immunizations for healthcare workers?? I'm worried about exposures to #COVID19 in these HCWs :( I don't seem to be missing anything... @SkGov, why??? Exposures happen in frontline healthcare environments not currently classified as 'high-risk settings' and one COVID+ case can knock a cohort of healthcare workers into isolation. We don't have spare HCWs. Please reconsider.
Dec 1, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
Many believe we are overreacting, #COVIDsk is just the flu, only the elderly/those with comorbidities die, we can protect the vulnerable, if you survive it you are fine, your activities can continue safely, and it will not end up being as bad as we are making it out to be. 1/10 The SK Health Minister suggested this week that we could still follow their 'optimistic' modeling scenario and may be able to relax restrictions over Christmas. None of this is true. The optimistic scenario is clearly not happening. 2/10