Social #epidemiologist, Assoc. Prof, U. of Pennsylvania. I study #urbanhealth, do #COVID19 prevention, teach Epidemics/Emergencies/Envtl Threats. she/her ♥️🌏🌈
Apr 13, 2022 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
As an epidemiologist, I am troubled by efforts to downplay rates of infection, as well as by the patchwork of varied reporting strategies states are developing.
Yes, hospitalizations and deaths are crucial metrics. They are also "lagging" indicators.
We need stronger monitoring
systems, to closely track increases in transmission.
WHY NOT have systematic randomized testing across populations?
If we want to "turn on and off" protections as the pandemic rolls across the country, we need early warnings.
Waiting for hospitals to see increased burden
Sep 2, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I stand humbled by the courage of women sharing their reproductive justice stories.
As an adoptive mom, I
1) love these children fiercely 2) recognize that adoption itself cannot cure hideously destructive social policies 3) at the core of adoption is family separation trauma.
Also: I became an adoptive mom for the second time without any advance planning.
It was life-changing in the best ways possible, beyond my imaginings.
It was also an incredible jolt to my life plan, even w loving supports and plenty of resources.
To force people to parent
Sep 1, 2021 • 11 tweets • 6 min read
Are you a stressed parent, agonizing abt return to #school?
Take action!
-Write to admin, ask if every classroom, hallway, bath, common area has 5-6 air changes/hr.
-Advocate for added HEPA purifiers everywhere
-Ask what masks are required/recommended for staff. See @projectN95
-Demand outdoor options. Help find space, resources to support.
-Call loudly for the SMALLEST NUMBER OF PEOPLE (small classes) in STATIC, NON-MIXING COHORTS.
-Need remote option to meet your family's health/safety/learning needs? CALL FOR EQUITY IN PANDEMIC LEARNING NOW.
Studying ped vaccines is important and we have to get it right. Time doing that is "time well spent."
Myocarditis is being investigated and Dr @mlipsitch agrees w this careful approach.
(fwiw I agree too. We would pay for decades if we were not careful in investigating ped safety.)
Importantly Dr @mlipsitch states that every vaxxed adult will help protect children. Good to hear, given what we are learning abt vaxxed ppl being infected and likely transmitting.
Aug 31, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
@mlipsitch: this has been a pandemic mostly affecting adults. Even w #delta children have lower risk of severe disease.
Ave child infected will not have a severe outcome.
But lots more ppl are being infected. Most mild, a proportion serious; more cases=more seriously ill kids
Every reason to believe #delta is more infectious to/from children.
In all ages delta more transmissible.
More capable of causing disease in ppl who were vaxxed, if their immunity has waned. (Good that eligible kids were more recently vaxxed, less likely immunity has waned.)
Jan 1, 2021 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
In the coming days, you may learn of holiday exposures to friends/loved ones w COVID. What should you do? Quarantine for 14 days is best.
1. Quarantine works to break chains of transmission. By taking yourself out of circulation, you'll be less likely to "pass it on."
2. Quarantine only works if ppl can adhere. There are so many roadblocks!
Some are behavioral/psychological, like optimism bias. i.e., "I feel fine! I'm sure I'll be fine! I'll just keep working"
Some are structural. i.e., "I have rent to pay. I have no choice but to work."
Jun 18, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
You don't have to cough/sneeze to create droplets or aerosols.
Talking is sufficient.
Take this into account while planning for school reopenings.