Chris Smith Profile picture
New Book, HOW THE BODY OF CHRIST TALKS (@BrazosPress). Editor-in-Chief, Englewood Review of Books. (@ERBks). Co-author of @SlowChurches
Aug 4, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
I’ve been captivated by the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill podcast, but this week’s episode (#6 - The Brand) hit especially close to home. #thread 1/ I was one of those early internet creators, creating my first websites in 1994 or 1995. I’ve long been wrestling with these questions of power and platform that internet culture has created 2/
Jul 4, 2018 98 tweets 13 min read
The recent resurgence of #ChristianNationalism made me dig out my "95 Theses On the Nationalistic Idolatry of Churches in the United States" written in the wake of 9/11. (Thx @UnionSeminary for your thread and @rachelheldevans for sharing)
Here they are: #thread 1. When our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ said, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand," he called us to become citizens of His Kingdom.