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Tweets about aspects of the Civil War in Kerry 1922-23 | New book by @OwenOShea from @MerrionPress | Kerry Civil War Conference February 2023
Apr 16, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
Between 16 and 18 April 1923, the final major episode of the Civil War in Kerry played out on a rural cliff edge in north Kerry

The Siege of Clashmealcon Caves last for two days and claimed the lives of two Free State soldiers and three IRA volunteers

#OTD #thread Image Following engagements between anti-Treatyites and the army, and a gun battle in the townland of Meenagohane, six IRA men decided to hide out at Dunworth’s Cave on the cliff face near Clashmealcon on the night of 15–16 April.

They were led by Timothy 'Aero' Lyons (front centre) Image