Leon Cizelj Profile picture
Researcher, professor, and consultant in nuclear engineering. Past President of European Nuclear Society (https://t.co/KtnSWroewp)
Aug 19, 2022 9 tweets 7 min read
I was asked to comment on potential risks in the #ZaporizhzhiaNPP for many news media in the last few days as president of @euronuclear (and researcher @JSI_SLO and professor @FMF_UL of #nuclear #engineering).

🧵with the main points and links to some articles.

(1) #ZaporizhzhiaNPP is controlled by the Russian military forces since March 4, 2022. So they can do with the plant whatever they want❗️without shelling.

(2) The plant has been operated safely by the Ukrainian Staff with guns pointed at them since March 4. Thank you 🫂🙏

Mar 4, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Vse kaže, da je jedrska elektrarna #Zaporizhzhya v nočnem napadu utrpela manjše poškodbe. Še vedno je v rokah Ukrajine, ena izmed 6 enot deluje, sevanje v okolici ni povečano.

Razmere spremljam in se bom še oglasil

Sledi kratka nit o jedrskih elektrarnah med vojaškim napadom Zelo pomembno:
Jedrski reaktorji v jedrskih elektrarnah v nobenem primeru ne morejo postati jedrske bombe.
Oct 27, 2020 8 tweets 6 min read
@D_Jasmina @sledilnik Po mojem menju je podatkov za zgodnje zaznavanje opozorilnih znakov (povsem!) dovolj. Iz zgodovine naših napovedi:
»hodimo po robu« 16.7.2020 r4.ijs.si/COVID19a160720…
⬇️⬇️⬇️ @D_Jasmina @sledilnik "epidemija nam morebiti uhaja" 22.7.2020: r4.ijs.si/COVID19a220720…

20.7. je bilo pozitivnih testov okoli 20/dan